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Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed
db-infoscreen - App/Infoscreen for Railway Departures in Germany

Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed
[db-infoscreen homepage](
Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed

db-infoscreen (formerly db-fakedisplay) shows departures at german train
stations, serving both as infoscreen / webapp and station board look-alike.

Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed
It aims to aggregate departure and train data from different sources and
combine them in a useful (and user-friendly) manner. It is intended both for a
quick glance at the departure board and for public transportation geeks looking
for details about specific trains.
Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed

There's a public [db-infoscreen service on]( You can also host your own
instance via carton/cpanminus or Docker if you like, see the Setup notes below.
Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed
 * perl >= 5.20
 * carton or cpanminus
 * build-essential
 * git


After installing the dependencies, clone the repository using git, e.g.

git clone

Make sure that all files (including `.git`, which is used to determine the
software version) are readable by your www user, and follow the steps in the
next sections.

Perl Dependencies

db-infoscreen depends on a set of Perl modules which are documented in
`cpanfile`. After installing the dependencies mentioned above, you can use
carton or cpanminus to install Perl depenencies locally.

In the project root directory (where `cpanfile` resides), run either

carton install


cpanm --installdeps .

and set `PERL5LIB=.../local/lib/perl5` before running or wrap it
with `carton exec hypnotoad`.
Note that you should provide imprint and privacy policy pages. Depending on
traffic volume, you may also want to increase the amount of worker processes.
See the Setup notes below.

Installation with Docker

A db-infoscreen image is available on Docker Hub. You can install and run it
as follows:

docker pull derfnull/db-fakedisplay:latest
docker run --rm -p 8000:8092 -v "$(pwd)/templates:/app/ext-templates:ro" db-fakedisplay:latest

This will make the web service available on port 8000.  Note that you should
provide imprint and privacy policy pages, see the Setup notes below.

Use `docker run -e DBFAKEDISPLAY_WORKERS=4 ...` and similar to pass environment
variables to the db-infoscreen service.

Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed
Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed
db-infoscreen respects the following environment variables:

| Variable | Default | Description |
| :------- | :------ | :---------- |
| DBFAKEDISPLAY\_LISTEN | `http://*:8092` | IP and Port for web service |
| DBFAKEDISPLAY\_STATS | _None_ | File in which the total count of backend API requests (excluding those answered from cache) is written |
| DBFAKEDISPLAY\_HAFAS\_CACHE | `/tmp/dbf-hafas` | Directory for HAFAS cache |
| DBFAKEDISPLAY\_IRIS\_CACHE | `/tmp/dbf-iris-mian` | Directory for IRIS schedule cache |
| DBFAKEDISPLAY\_IRISRT\_CACHE | `/tmp/dbf-iris-realtime` | Directory for IRIS realtime cache |
| DBFAKEDISPLAY\_WORKERS | 2 | Number of worker processes (i.e., maximum amount of concurrent requests) |

Set these as needed, create `templates/imprint.html.ep` (imprint) and
`templates/privacy.html.ep` (privacy policy), and configure your web server to
pass requests for db-infoscreen to the appropriate port. See the
`examples` directory for imprint and privacy policy samples.
Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed
You can run the app using a Mojo::Server of your choice, e.g.  **perl daemon -m production** (quick&dirty, does not respect all variables)
or **hypnotad** (recommended). A systemd unit example is provided in
All code in this repository may be used under the terms of the BSD-2-Clause
Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed
(db-infoscreen, see COPYING) and MIT (jquery, jqueryui, and marquee libraries;
see the respective files) licenses.  Attribution is appreciated.

Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed

Resource requirements depend on usage. For a few requests per second, about
200MB (600k inodes) cache and one or two CPU cores should be sufficient.
Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed
db-infoscreen typically needs 50MB RAM per worker process, though calculating
with 100MB per worker is recommended to leave a safety margin.