#ifndef NRF24L01_H
#define NRF24L01_H

#include <stdint.h>
#include "driver/gpio.h"
#include "arch.h"

#define rf24_max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define rf24_min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))

class Nrf24l01
	Nrf24l01(const Nrf24l01 &copy);
	unsigned char txbuf[2];
	unsigned char rxbuf[2];

	bool p_variant;					  /* False for RF24L01 and true for RF24L01P */
	uint8_t payload_size;			  /**< Fixed size of payloads */
	bool dynamic_payloads_enabled;	/**< Whether dynamic payloads are enabled. */
	uint8_t pipe0_reading_address[5]; /**< Last address set on pipe 0 for reading. */
	uint8_t addr_width;				  /**< The address width to use - 3,4 or 5 bytes. */
	uint32_t txRxDelay;				  /**< Var for adjusting delays depending on datarate */

	uint8_t writeRegister(uint8_t reg, uint8_t value);
	uint8_t readRegister(uint8_t reg);
	uint8_t writePayload(const void *buf, uint8_t data_len, const uint8_t writeType);

	inline void csnHigh()
		gpio.write(NRF24L01_CS_PIN, 1);
	inline void csnLow()
		gpio.write(NRF24L01_CS_PIN, 0);
	inline void beginTransaction()
	inline void endTransaction()

	Nrf24l01() : payload_size(32), dynamic_payloads_enabled(false), addr_width(5) {}

		 * Power Amplifier level.
		 * For use with setPALevel()
	enum rf24_pa_dbm_e
		RF24_PA_MIN = 0,

		 * Data rate.  How fast data moves through the air.
		 * For use with setDataRate()
	enum rf24_datarate_e
		RF24_1MBPS = 0,

		 * CRC Length.  How big (if any) of a CRC is included.
		 * For use with setCRCLength()
	enum rf24_crclength_e

   * Enter low-power mode
   * To return to normal power mode, call powerUp().
   * @note After calling startListening(), a basic radio will consume about 13.5mA
   * at max PA level.
   * During active transmission, the radio will consume about 11.5mA, but this will
   * be reduced to 26uA (.026mA) between sending.
   * In full powerDown mode, the radio will consume approximately 900nA (.0009mA)
   * @code
   * radio.powerDown();
   * avr_enter_sleep_mode(); // Custom function to sleep the device
   * radio.powerUp();
   * @endcode
	void powerDown(void);

   * Leave low-power mode - required for normal radio operation after calling powerDown()
   * To return to low power mode, call powerDown().
   * @note This will take up to 5ms for maximum compatibility
	void powerUp(void);

   * Empty the transmit buffer. This is generally not required in standard operation.
   * May be required in specific cases after stopListening() , if operating at 250KBPS data rate.
   * @return Current value of status register
	uint8_t flushTx(void);

   * Empty the receive buffer
   * @return Current value of status register
	uint8_t flushRx(void);

	void setup();
   * Set Power Amplifier (PA) level to one of four levels:
   * RF24_PA_MIN, RF24_PA_LOW, RF24_PA_HIGH and RF24_PA_MAX
   * The power levels correspond to the following output levels respectively:
   * NRF24L01: -18dBm, -12dBm,-6dBM, and 0dBm
   * SI24R1: -6dBm, 0dBm, 3dBM, and 7dBm.
   * @param level Desired PA level.
	void setPALevel(uint8_t level); // 0 (-18B), 1 (-12dB), 2 (-6dB), 3 (0dB)

  * Set the address width from 3 to 5 bytes (24, 32 or 40 bit)
  * @param a_width The address width to use: 3,4 or 5

	void setAddressWidth(uint8_t a_width);

   * Set the number and delay of retries upon failed submit
   * @param delay How long to wait between each retry, in multiples of 250us,
   * max is 15.  0 means 250us, 15 means 4000us.
   * @param count How many retries before giving up, max 15
	void setRetries(uint8_t delay, uint8_t count);

   * Set RF communication channel
   * @param channel Which RF channel to communicate on, 0-125
	void setChannel(uint8_t channel);

   * Get RF communication channel
   * @return The currently configured RF Channel
	uint8_t getChannel(void);

   * Set Static Payload Size
   * This implementation uses a pre-stablished fixed payload size for all
   * transmissions.  If this method is never called, the driver will always
   * transmit the maximum payload size (32 bytes), no matter how much
   * was sent to write().
   * @todo Implement variable-sized payloads feature
   * @param size The number of bytes in the payload
	void setPayloadSize(uint8_t size);

   * Get Static Payload Size
   * @see setPayloadSize()
   * @return The number of bytes in the payload
	uint8_t getPayloadSize(void);

   * Set the transmission data rate
   * @warning setting RF24_250KBPS will fail for non-plus units
   * @param speed RF24_250KBPS for 250kbs, RF24_1MBPS for 1Mbps, or RF24_2MBPS for 2Mbps
   * @return true if the change was successful
	bool setDataRate(rf24_datarate_e speed);

  * The radio will generate interrupt signals when a transmission is complete,
  * a transmission fails, or a payload is received. This allows users to mask
  * those interrupts to prevent them from generating a signal on the interrupt
  * pin. Interrupts are enabled on the radio chip by default.
  * @code
  * 	Mask all interrupts except the receive interrupt:
  *		radio.maskIRQ(1,1,0);
  * @endcode
  * @param tx_ok  Mask transmission complete interrupts
  * @param tx_fail  Mask transmit failure interrupts
  * @param rx_ready Mask payload received interrupts
	void maskIRQ(bool tx_ok, bool tx_fail, bool rx_ready);

   * Turn on or off the special features of the chip
   * The chip has certain 'features' which are only available when the 'features'
   * are enabled.  See the datasheet for details.
	void toggleFeatures(void);

	uint8_t write(const void *buf, uint8_t len, bool blocking);

	uint8_t getStatus();

extern Nrf24l01 nrf24l01;
