From a539ee69c87ba3c179604a3edb86911c74b697d0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Friesel <>
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 2015 19:15:57 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] document footpath accessors

 lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/Route/ | 32 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 32 insertions(+)

diff --git a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/Route/ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/Route/
index d308840..f46fa78 100644
--- a/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/Route/
+++ b/lib/Travel/Routing/DE/EFA/Route/
@@ -257,6 +257,38 @@ departure station, usually outlining how to transfer from thep previous train
 List of URLs, may be empty. Each URL poinst to an HTML map of the departure
+=item $part->footpath_duration
+Walking duration when transferring before / after / during this trip
+in minutes. The meaning depends on the value of B<footpath_type>.
+=item $part->footpath_parts
+Returns a list of [I<type>, I<level>] arrayrefs describing the
+footpath. For instance, ["ESCALATOR", "UP"], ["LEVEL", "LEVEL"],
+["STAIRS", "UP"] means first taking an escalator up, then walking a while,
+and then taking a flight of stairs up again.
+The content of I<type> and I<level> comes directly from the EFA backend. At
+the moment, the following values are known:
+=item level: DOWN, LEVEL, UP
+=item $part->footpath_type
+type of this footpath, passed through from the EFA backend. The value
+"AFTER" indicates a footpath (transfer) after this route part. The value
+"IDEST" indicates that this route part already is a footpath (aka a walking
+connection between two stops), so the B<footpath> accessors contain redundant
+information. Other values such as "BEFORE" may also be returned, but this is
+unknown at this point.
 =item $part->regular_notes
 Remarks about the line serving this connaction part. Returns a list of