package Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part; use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use parent 'Class::Accessor'; our $VERSION = '2.11'; Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part->mk_ro_accessors( qw(arrival_platform arrival_stop arrival_date arrival_time arrival_sdate arrival_stime delay departure_platform departure_stop departure_date departure_time departure_sdate departure_stime footpath_duration footpath_type train_destination train_line train_product ) ); sub new { my ( $obj, %conf ) = @_; my $ref = \%conf; return bless( $ref, $obj ); } sub arrival_routemaps { my ($self) = @_; return @{ $self->{arrival_routemaps} }; } sub arrival_stationmaps { my ($self) = @_; return @{ $self->{arrival_stationmaps} }; } sub arrival_stop_and_platform { my ($self) = @_; if ( length( $self->arrival_platform ) ) { return sprintf( '%s: %s', $self->get(qw(arrival_stop arrival_platform)) ); } return $self->arrival_stop; } sub departure_routemaps { my ($self) = @_; return @{ $self->{departure_routemaps} }; } sub departure_stationmaps { my ($self) = @_; return @{ $self->{departure_stationmaps} }; } sub departure_stop_and_platform { my ($self) = @_; if ( length( $self->departure_platform ) ) { return sprintf( '%s: %s', $self->get(qw(departure_stop departure_platform)) ); } return $self->departure_stop; } sub footpath_parts { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->{footpath_parts} ) { return @{ $self->{footpath_parts} }; } return; } # DEPRECATED sub extra { my ($self) = @_; return @{ $self->{sched_info} // [] }; } sub sched_info { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->{sched_info} ) { return @{ $self->{sched_info} }; } return; } sub current_info { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->{current_info} ) { return @{ $self->{current_info} }; } return; } sub via { my ($self) = @_; return @{ $self->{via} // [] }; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part - Describes one connection between two points, without interchanges =head1 SYNOPSIS for my $part ( $route->parts ) { if ( $part->extra ) { say join( "\n", $part->extra ); } printf( "%s at %s -> %s at %s, via %s to %s", $part->departure_time, $part->departure_stop, $part->arrival_time, $part->arrival_stop, $part->train_line, $part->train_destination, ); } =head1 VERSION version 2.11 =head1 DESCRIPTION B<Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route::Part> holds one specific connection (without interchanges) between two points. It specifies the start/stop point and time, the train line and its destination, and optional additional data. It is usually obtained by a call to Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Route(3pm)'s B<parts> method. =head1 METHODS =head2 ACCESSORS "Actual" in the description means that the delay (if available) is already included in the calculation, "Scheduled" means it isn't. =over =item $part->arrival_stop arrival stop (city name plus station name) =item $part->arrival_platform arrival platform (either "Gleis x" or "Bstg. x") =item $part->arrival_stop_and_platform "stop: platform" concatenation =item $part->arrival_date Actual arrival date in DD.MM.YYYY format =item $part->arrival_time Actual arrival time in HH:MM format =item $part->arrival_sdate Scheduled arrival date in DD.MM.YYYY format =item $part->arrival_stime Scheduled arrival time in HH:MM format =item $part->arrival_routemaps List of URLs, may be empty. Each URL poinst to a transfer map for the arrival station, usually outlining how to transfer from this train to the next one (if applicable). =item $part->arrival_stationmaps List of URLs, may be empty. Each URL points to an HTML map of the arrival station. =item $part->delay delay in minutes, 0 if unknown =item $part->departure_stop departure stop (city name plus station name) =item $part->departure_platform departure platform (either "Gleis x" or "Bstg. x") =item $part->departure_stop_and_platform "stop: platform" concatenation =item $part->departure_date Actual departure date in DD.MM.YYYY format =item $part->departure_time Actual departure time in HH:MM format =item $part->departure_sdate Scheduled departure date in DD.MM.YYYY format =item $part->departure_stime Scheduled departure time in HH:MM format =item $part->departure_routemaps List of URLs, may be empty. Each URL points to a PDF a transfer map for the departure station, usually outlining how to transfer from thep previous train (if applicable) to this one. =item $part->departure_stationmaps List of URLs, may be empty. Each URL poinst to an HTML map of the departure station. =item $part->extra Additional information about the connection. Returns a list of newline-terminated strings =item $part->train_destination Destination of the line providing the connection. May be empty. =item $part->train_line Name / number of the line. May be empty. =item $part->train_product Usually the prefix of B<train_line>, for instance C<< U-Bahn >> or C<< Niederflurstrab >>. However, it may also contain special values such as C<< FuE<szlig>weg >> (for a direct connection without transit vehicles) or C<< nicht umsteigen >> (in case a vehicle changes its line number at a stop). In those cases, B<train_destination> and B<train_line> are usually empty. =item $part->via List of stops passed between departure_stop and arrival_stop, as C<< [ "DD.MM.YYYY", "HH:MM", stop, platform ] >> hashrefs. May be empty, these are not always reported by =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS None. =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * Class::Accessor(3pm) =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS $part->via does not work reliably. =head1 SEE ALSO Travel::Routing::DE::EFA(3pm), Class::Accessor(3pm). =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2011-2015 by Daniel Friesel E<lt>derf@finalrewind.orgE<gt> =head1 LICENSE 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.