diff --git a/bin/db-ris b/bin/db-ris
index debbe0e781accf10d817c71b6bd69009401770e7..c2ccfc07e1b80a090ac54aa5bb2edd505ffcd0f1 100755
--- a/bin/db-ris
+++ b/bin/db-ris
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ available at L<http://reiseauskunft.bahn.de/bin/bhftafel.exe/dn>.
 It requests all departures at I<station> (optionally filtered by date, time,
 route and means of transport) and lists them on stdout, similar to the big
-departure screens installed on most main stations.
+departure screens installed at most main stations.
 =head1 OPTIONS
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ Date to list departures for.  Default: today
 =item B<-m>, B<--mot> I<motlist>
-Comma-separated list of modes of transport to show/hide. Accepts the following
+Comma-separated list of modes of transport to show/hide.  Accepts the following
 	ice    InterCity Express trains
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@ argements:
 	u      U-Bahn
-You can prefix an argument with "!" to hide it. The default is C<<
-ice,ic_ec,d,nv,s >>. Note that B<-m> does not replace the default, so if you
+You can prefix an argument with "!" to hide it.  The default is C<<
+ice,ic_ec,d,nv,s >>.  Note that B<-m> does not replace the default, so if you
 only want to see S-Bahn und U-Bahn departures, you'd have to use C<< -m
 !ice,!ic_ec,!d,!nv,u >>.
 =item B<-t>, B<--time> I<hh>:I<mm>
-Time to list departures for. Default: now.
+Time to list departures for.  Default: now.
 =item B<-v>, B<--via> I<regex>
diff --git a/lib/Travel/Status/DE/DeutscheBahn.pm b/lib/Travel/Status/DE/DeutscheBahn.pm
index 673f149fcb38e4ec1fec93f8ce83d4d394d4e1bb..1e28bc698a28301e6c46464dd5f5a5b9cc740adf 100644
--- a/lib/Travel/Status/DE/DeutscheBahn.pm
+++ b/lib/Travel/Status/DE/DeutscheBahn.pm
@@ -202,30 +202,30 @@ unspecified).
 =item my $status = Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn->new(I<%opts>)
-Returns a new Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn element. Supported I<opts> are:
+Returns a new Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn element.  Supported I<opts> are:
 =item B<station> => I<station>
-The train station to report for, e.g. "Essen HBf". Mandatory.
+The train station to report for, e.g.  "Essen HBf".  Mandatory.
 =item B<date> => I<dd>.I<mm>.I<yyyy>
-Date to report for. Defaults to the current day.
+Date to report for.  Defaults to the current day.
 =item B<time> => I<hh>:I<mm>
-Time to report for. Defaults to now.
+Time to report for.  Defaults to now.
 =item B<mode> => B<arr>|B<dep>
 By default, Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn reports train departures
-(B<dep>). Set this to B<arr> to get arrivals instead.
+(B<dep>).  Set this to B<arr> to get arrivals instead.
 =item B<mot> => I<\%hashref>
-Modes of transport to show. Accepted keys are: B<ice> (ICE trains), B<ic_ec>
+Modes of transport to show.  Accepted keys are: B<ice> (ICE trains), B<ic_ec>
 (IC and EC trains), B<d> (InterRegio and similarly fast trains), B<nv>
 ("Nahverkehr", mostly RegionalExpress trains), B<s> ("S-Bahn"), B<bus>,
 B<ferry>, B<u> ("U-Bahn") and B<tram>.
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ By default, the following are shown: ice, ic_ec, d, nv, s.
 =item $status->results()
-Returns a list of arrivals/departures. Each list element is a
+Returns a list of arrivals/departures.  Each list element is a
 Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn::Result(3pm) object.
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Unknown.
 =head1 SEE ALSO
-mris(1), Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn::Result(3pm).
 =head1 AUTHOR
diff --git a/lib/Travel/Status/DE/DeutscheBahn/Result.pm b/lib/Travel/Status/DE/DeutscheBahn/Result.pm
index 36f2c9493b59907a440d817990f399fc43adafac..3aaa0cfe46e0b977cdc575fa5fcd734c3b70840c 100644
--- a/lib/Travel/Status/DE/DeutscheBahn/Result.pm
+++ b/lib/Travel/Status/DE/DeutscheBahn/Result.pm
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ version 0.0
 Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn::Result describes a single arrival/departure
-as obtained by Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn. It contains information about
+as obtained by Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn.  It contains information about
 the platform, time, route and more.
 =head1 METHODS