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Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
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# ESP8266 Lua/NodeMCU module for Sensirion SEN5x PM sensors

This repository contains an ESP8266 NodeMCU Lua module (`sen5x.lua`) as well as
MQTT / HomeAssistant / InfluxDB integration example (`init.lua`) for
**Sensirion SEN5x** I²C particulate matter, VOC, and NOx sensors connected via
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Birte Kristina Friesel committed

## Dependencies

sen5x.lua has been tested with Lua 5.1 on NodeMCU firmware 3.0.1 (Release
202112300746, integer build). It requires the following modules.

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Birte Kristina Friesel committed

The MQTT HomeAssistant integration in init.lua additionally needs the following

* gpio
* mqtt
* node
* tmr
* wifi

## Setup

Connect the SEN5x board to your ESP8266/NodeMCU board as follows.

* SEN5x GND → ESP8266/NodeMCU GND
* SEN5x 5V → 5V input (note that the "5V" pin of NodeMCU or D1 mini dev boards is connected to its USB input via a protective diode, so when powering the board via USB the "5V" output is more like 4.7V. For SEN5x, this is sufficient.)
* SEN5x SCL → NodeMCU D1 (ESP8266 GPIO4)
* SEN5x SDA → NodeMCU D2 (ESP8266 GPIO5)

SDA and SCL must have external pull-up resistors to 3V3.

If you use different pins for SDA and SCL, you need to adjust the
i2c.setup call in the examples provided in this repository to reflect
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Birte Kristina Friesel committed
those changes. Keep in mind that some ESP8266 pins must have well-defined logic
levels at boot time and may therefore be unsuitable for SEN5x connection.

## Usage

Copy **sen5x.lua** to your NodeMCU board and set it up as follows.

sen5x = require("sen5x")
i2c.setup(0, sda_pin, scl_pin, i2c.SLOW)

-- can be called with up to 1 Hz
function some_timer_callback()
	if sen5x.prepare_read() then
		local delayed_read_data = tmr.create()
		delayed_read_data:register(20, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, read_data)

function read_data()
	if then
		-- Available values depend on sensor type (SEN50/SEN54/SEN55)
		-- Unsupported readings are nil
		-- sen5x.pm1         : pm1/10   == PM1.0 concentration [µg/m³]
		-- sen5x.pm2_5       : pm2_5/10 == PM2.5 concentration [µg/m³]
		-- sen5x.pm4         : pm4/10   == PM4.0 concentration [µg/m³]
		-- sen5x.pm10        : pm10/10  == PM10  concentration [µg/m³]
		-- sen5x.humidity    : humidity/100 == Humidity [%]
		-- sen5x.temperature : temperature/200 == Temperature [°c]
		-- sen5x.voc         : voc/10 == VOC [?]
		-- sen5x.nox         : nox/10 == NOx [?]
Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed

## Application Example

**init.lua** is an example application with HomeAssistant integration.
To use it, you need to create a **config.lua** file with WiFi and MQTT settings:

station_cfg = {ssid = "...", pwd = "..."}
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mqtt_host = "..."

Optionally, it can also publish readings to an InfluxDB.
To do so, configure URL and attribute:

influx_url = "..."
influx_attr = "..."

Readings will be published as `sen5x[influx_attr] pm1_ugm3=%d.%01d,pm2_5_ugm3=%d.%01d,pm4_ugm3=%d.%01d,pm10_ugm3=%d.%01d,humidity_relpercent=%d.%01d,temperature_celsius=%d.%01d,voc=%d.%01d,nox=%d.%01d,`
(or a subset thereof, depending on whether a SEN50/SEN54/SEN55 is connected).
So, unless `influx_attr = ''`, it must start with a comma, e.g. `influx_attr = ',device=' .. device_id`.

## Images
