"README.md" did not exist on "fd6326c2d169a80ceda2c202d5ef4c17cd60e3c9"
# Feh themes configuration file.
# Lines starting with # are comments. Midline comments are not supported.
# Place this as either ~/.config/feh/themes or /etc/feh/themes
# Options are defined in theme_name/options pairs.
# Separate themename and options by whitespace.
# There are two ways of specifying the theme. Either use feh -Tthemename,
# or use a symbolic link to feh with the name of the theme. eg
# ln -s `which feh` ~/bin/mkindex
# Now when you run 'mkindex', feh will load the config specified for the
# mkindex theme.
# Multiple options can of course be used. If they are too long for one line,
# you can use a \ to make them continue on the next one, but not mid-option.
# imagemap -rV --quiet -W 400 -H 300 \
# --thumb-width 40 --thumb-height 30
# ====================
# A few default themes
# ====================
# Webcam mode, simply specify the url(s).
# e.g. feh -Twebcam http://cam1 http://cam2
webcam --multiwindow --reload 20
# Create an index of the current directory. This version uses . as the
# current dir, so you don't even need any commandline arguments.
mkindex -iVO index.jpg .
# More ambitious version...
imgidx --index --output-only .fehindex.jpg --limit-width 1024 \
--thumb-width 128 --thumb-height 128 --verbose --quiet
# Show a presentation
present --full-screen --sort name --hide-pointer
# Booth mode ;-)
booth --full-screen --hide-pointer --slideshow-delay 20
# Screw xscreensaver, use feh =)
screensave --recursive --full-screen --randomize --slideshow-delay 10 --hide-pointer
# Different menus
aqua --menu-bg /usr/share/feh/images/menubg_aqua.png
sky --menu-bg /usr/share/feh/images/menubg_sky.png
black --menu-bg /usr/share/feh/images/menubg_black.png
# Some more examples, used by the feh developer
rfs --full-screen --hide-pointer --auto-zoom --randomize
fs --full-screen --hide-pointer --auto-zoom --sort filename
thumb_s --thumbnails --cache-thumbnails --thumb-width 128 --thumb-height 128 \
--limit-width 1024 --sort filename \
--fontpath /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/ --font DejaVuSans/8
thumb_b --thumbnails --cache-thumbnails --thumb-width 256 --thumb-height 256 \
--limit-width 1024 --sort filename \
--fontpath /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/ --font DejaVuSans/8
thumb_s_nt --thumbnails --cache-thumbnails --thumb-width 128 --thumb-height 128 \
--limit-width 1024 --sort filename --index-name 0
thumb_b_nt --thumbnails --cache-thumbnails --thumb-width 256 --thumb-height 256 \
--limit-width 1024 --sort filename --index-name 0