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	* New menu item, Reset. It resets the zoom/pan/rotate etc.
	* Currently only with -P (to be fixed), a reload does not force a
	reset like it did before, so you can zoom a webcam and not have it
	reset on reload.

Sat Jun 24 00:13:53 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Thumbnails, when clicked, now all open the clicked image in the
	same window. Much better for browsing.
	* Menu fixups, more efficient now. Also, better context menus,
	having the right options for the right window types.
	* If you open a thumbnail, and then delete it or remove it from
	the filelist, the thumbnail view will update to show the
	fact. This is cool :-)

Fri Jun 23 17:15:07 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Depreciated the FEH_OPTIONS envrionment variable in favour of
	the configuration file themes.

Fri Jun 23 14:46:21 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Mwahahaha. Asynchronous events for index, thumbnails and
	collages. All events are handled while the images are
	generated. You can quit, bring up menus, zoom, pan and rotate, all
	whilst the image is still being created. Much better.
	* Pass the progress function around instead of using the
	context. Kills two bugs.

Fri Jun 23 14:11:56 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Documentation fixups.
	* --thumnbails can also be called with -t now.
	* --title-font no longer has a short option.
	* --theme is now also -T.
	* Release preparations.

Fri Jun 23 12:54:49 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* You can now select --bg trans to give indexes, collages,
	montages and thumbnail selectors a transparent background.

Fri Jun 23 12:18:44 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Fixed a couple of minor bugs
	* You can now open the same image multiple times... If you really
	want to...

Fri Jun 23 11:37:56 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Thumbnails now stored in a linked list.

Thu Jun 22 23:57:33 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Optimisations to thumb hilites. Only show hilite when you can
a1346054's avatar
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	click to open an image, don't show when over emtpy space, and
	don't re-render if the selection hasn't changed from the last
	mouseover. Speeds it up a lot.

Thu Jun 22 23:49:07 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Now thumbnails show as they load too.
	* AND :-)
	* Thumbnail hiliting on mouseover from richlowe. Coolio ;-)

Thu Jun 22 23:32:45 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Same for collage mode :)

Thu Jun 22 23:28:33 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Woop. Something I should've done a WHILE ago. If progressive
	loading is enabled (ie not -P), you can see the index/montage
	being created in front of your eyes ;-) It's sweet.
	* Next I will make it respond to events during the creation
	(quiting/zooming while still creating), and make it work for
	thumbnail and collage modes too.

Thu Jun 22 22:23:48 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Fix for trying to reload a montage
	* Rewrite of all linked-list code to a more generic form so I can
	do more with it. I may have introduced bugs in this (big) rewrite,
	so test test test ;-)
	* Misc fixups

Wed Jun 21 23:49:00 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Can set background from multiwindow and thumbnail modes now.

Wed Jun 21 22:43:37 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Initial thumbnail mode, thanks to patches from richlowe and
	modifications by me. Nice work dude. More to come, right now
	there's just the click (although it works with a panned or zoomed
	thumbnail list). To come - opening thumbs in a single window,
	hiliting, and hey, the rest will be a surprise, okay? ;-)
	* This is *initial* btw. I plan to properly add this to index and
	montage modes, as it needn't be a seperate mode. There's lots of
	duplication in the source right now, which needs to be cut down.

Tue Jun 20 20:02:57 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Fixed mousebutton swapping option code. It was broken for
	certain combinations, now all seems well.
	* Found a use for ctrl+button1 for now, it just blurs/sharpens the
	image dynamically - for shits and giggles. It is somewhat spoiled
	by the fact that imlib2 currently doesn't seem to care what radius
	you pass to imlib_sharpen_image(), it always does the same thing.

Mon Jun 19 17:47:37 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added new background setting mode. "Set seamless." It's purdy.

Mon Jun 19 14:18:10 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Mwahaha. Now the window is resized when rotation starts (to fit
	the rotated image in). Also, checks are drawn properly behind the
	image, and rotation works well in combination with pan and zoom.
	* Now that all that's done, rotation is slow as shit ;) We'll see
	if we can speed that up next ;)

Sun Jun 18 21:49:35 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* No more eesh. We use E ipc properly now. IPC code pinched from
	Eterm - thanks KainX.

Sun Jun 18 19:38:02 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Zooming is mostly fixed now. Works much better. A few little
	tweaks and we'll be laughing :-)

Sun Jun 18 16:11:47 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* More menu styles. Remove your ~/.fehrc (let it regenerate) and
	run feh -t wood, feh -t aluminium or feh -t aqua to see them.

Sun Jun 18 14:53:17 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Better eesh availability determination, and a check that E is
	actually being used at the time, too ;)

Sun Jun 18 13:46:59 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Now feh will query eesh for the number of desktops a user
	has. If eesh is there, and there is more than one, the background
	setting menu will offer a choice of which desktop to set.

Sun Jun 18 03:47:58 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Okay. Thanks to richlowe and me, the bg setting is getting
	pretty cool now. It uses eesh under E, but if it can't find it,
	nicely falls back to X calls. There are more options to come
	(choosing which desktop etc), but for now, things are pretty sweet

Sun Jun 18 01:29:16 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

a1346054's avatar
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	* The first part of some background setting code from richlowe
	<> - more to come, it'll be sweet.
	* Doesn't work yet btw, so don't get excited ;)

Sun Jun 18 00:40:28 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* New option, --rcfile FILE. Uses FILE instead of the normal
	~/.fehrc or /etc/fehrc for parsing configs/themes from.

Sun Jun 18 00:26:06 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Now feh will write a default ~/.fehrc if none is found, but only
	if there is no /etc/fehrc in place already.

Sat Jun 17 23:46:32 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* A couple of nice new menu bgs from pabsmonkey.
	* The example.fehrc has theme entries for them, so if you copy it
	to ~/.fehrc, using feh --theme brushed will use the brushed menu
	bg. Same for --theme chrome.

Sat Jun 17 12:57:49 PDT 2000 Paul Duncan <>
   * wget is now quiet by default (wget -q). it's verbose if the
   -V or --verbose flag is passed to feh.  Your terminal will
   thank you.
   * mirrored the same change too cam.  cam -V or cam --verbose
   will enable verbose mode for feh and the forked wgets.
   * the second mouse button now zooms again, and the third button
   * added menu-button option too (-4 or --menu-button). ctrl+the
   menu button brings up the menu.  defaults to the right mouse
   button, and you can set it to 0 for any button (including ones
   >3, there's no bounds checking).  This feature is disabled by
   the -N or --no-menus flag.

Sat Jun 17 20:41:24 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Apend ? and a random number to the image url for webcams so that
	the image isn't cached. Much better.

Fri Jun 16 22:52:50 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Menus can have a background image now. There is a default one,
	courtesy of Pablo P Duncan (
	* You can use any image you like for the background, by using
	--menu-bg FILE to select one. I had a small amount of fun using
	Britney as my menu background. Strange, but true.

Wed Jun 14 18:53:06 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added --progress-gran NUM. Sets the progressive-loading
	granularity to NUM, an integer between 0 and 100. This is the
	percentage of the image to load before updating the display. 0 is
	super-smooth, but slightly slower than 100, which loads the whole
	image before showing anything. Use lower numbers to get
	responsiveness over slow network connections...

Sat Jun 10 21:25:33 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Zooming is back, and it's as it was before. I'm still not happy
	with it, but it works again anyhow. Next: fix, fix, fix.
	* Don't forget, you need to hold control to get menus now...

Sat Jun 10 12:36:58 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Only render the current viewport. Big optimisation I should have
	done earlier. Makes zooming big images smooooooooth ;-)
	* Nearly finished the zooming rewrite, but it's disabled right now
	(it's still a bit crappy).

Sat Jun 10 00:05:10 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Fixed check drawing after resize. Edge resistance against *all*
	the edges, not just two of them ;-)

Fri Jun  9 21:31:01 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Fix fullscreen mode to work with new image placement code. Make
	it work with --auto-zoom and --stretch too.
	* Perform an antialiased pass after panning if needed.

Fri Jun  9 19:48:05 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Edge resistance when panning. Much better.

Thu Jun  8 22:02:50 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* First part of zooming/scaling rewrite. Only panning so far, but
	it works nice. Zooming is current *disabled*.

Sun Jun  4 15:44:05 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added a wrapper to imlib2. I was getting some subtle bugs from
	the singleton context (accidentally leaving context_antialias on,
	not blending when I should be etc), and to fix them I was adding
	lines and lines of context_set this, context_set that. I've
a1346054's avatar
a1346054 committed
	wrapped the imlib calls in an imlib1
2257 2258 2259 2260 2261 2262 2263 2264 2265 2266 2267 2268 2269 2270 2271 2272 2273 2274 2275 2276 2277 2278 2279 2280 2281 2282 2283 2284 2285 2286 2287 2288 2289 2290 2291 2292 2293 2294 2295 2296 2297 2298 2299 2300 2301 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 2307 2308 2309 2310 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 2317 2318 2319 2320 2321 2322 2323 2324 2325 2326 2327 2328 2329 2330 2331 2332 2333 2334 2335 2336 2337 2338 2339 2340 2341 2342 2343 2344 2345 2346 2347 2348 2349 2350 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 2356 2357 2358 2359 2360 2361 2362 2363 2364 2365 2366 2367 2368 2369 2370 2371 2372 2373 2374 2375 2376 2377 2378 2379 2380 2381 2382 2383 2384 2385 2386 2387 2388 2389 2390 2391 2392 2393 2394 2395 2396 2397 2398 2399 2400 2401 2402 2403 2404 2405 2406 2407 2408 2409 2410 2411 2412 2413 2414 2415 2416 2417 2418 2419 2420 2421 2422 2423 2424 2425 2426 2427 2428 2429 2430 2431 2432 2433 2434 2435 2436 2437 2438 2439 2440 2441 2442 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 2448 2449 2450 2451 2452 2453 2454 2455 2456 2457 2458 2459 2460 2461 2462 2463 2464 2465 2466 2467 2468 2469 2470 2471 2472 2473 2474 2475 2476 2477 2478 2479 2480 2481 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2489 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 2495 2496 2497 2498 2499 2500 2501 2502 2503 2504 2505 2506 2507 2508 2509 2510 2511 2512 2513 2514 2515 2516 2517 2518 2519 2520 2521 2522 2523 2524 2525 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 2542 2543 2544 2545 2546 2547 2548 2549 2550 2551 2552 2553 2554 2555 2556 2557 2558 2559 2560 2561 2562 2563 2564 2565 2566 2567 2568 2569 2570 2571 2572 2573 2574 2575 2576 2577 2578 2579 2580 2581 2582 2583 2584 2585 2586 2587 2588 2589 2590 2591 2592 2593 2594
	lots-of-params-per-function-call stylee, and now it's much more
	readable and harder to break.
	* In the process, made big speedups by not antialiasing when I
	needn't, or blending when I shouldn't etc. Also blew away a few
	hundred lines of context-setting.

Fri Jun  2 22:58:50 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Fixed pixmap resizing bug properly this time ;-)

Thu Jun  1 19:36:19 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Correct oversite in sizing pixmaps.

Wed May 24 20:21:14 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Massively speeded up image rendering and therefore zooming by
	actually *thinking* about what I was doing and using a tiled
	pixmap GC and XFillRectangle for drawing the background
	checkerboard pattern. Much better. I'll clean it up a bit

Wed May 24 00:09:12 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Fixed bug with --no-progressive and window resizing. The
	rendering and resizing code is a *mess* now, which I'll have to
	fix tomorrow (lots of duplication and a complex codepath). But at
	least it works properly right now :-)

Tue May 23 22:19:30 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Optimised event handling from nasty big switch() to a table of
	pointers to functions.

Sun May 21 20:53:37 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* About.png contributed by Phil Morris (marmot)

Sun May 21 10:01:39 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Gratituous eyecandy in the about box 'cos Boris asked nicely ;-)

Sat May 20 01:09:15 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Wired cam into the

Fri May 19 19:21:01 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* You can now use --action with list or customlists too. In these
	modes, the action is run automatically for each file listed.

Thu May 18 21:34:03 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Quotes, escaped quotes and escaped spaces in config files work
	as one would expect. I think. Don't they?

Thu May 18 20:43:16 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* \n now gets you a newline in a feh-interpreted string.

Thu May 18 20:26:54 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Changed how -l and -L work. -L is now --customlist, which takes
	a string argument. The string is a feh-printf format specifier,
	just like those used for action definitions. (Eg %f for filename,
	%w for width etc). The format specifier is used to form the list
	output for each file. Example usage:
	feh -L "<img src=\"%f\" alt=\"feh\" width=\"%w\" height=\"%h\">" pr0n.png
	Stuck a new theme in the example.fehrc config, and found how lame
	my config parsing code is :-) Quotes and escaped quotes currently
	*do not* work right. I'm fixing it now :-)

Tue May 16 17:51:40 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Ignore duplicate MotionNotify events
	* Same for ConfigureNotify
	* Saved some wasted cycles

Mon May 15 22:49:07 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Hehe. Now I made a release I can break stuff again =P You can
	resize the window again now, and it works okay, except zooming
	isn't quite right when the window is bigger than the image right
	now. I have to redo *all* that zooming code over the next week
	or so 'cos it was shortsighted to start with :-(

Sun May 14 17:34:48 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* New "Image Info" submenu. It tells you stuff. About the
	image. Hence the name.

Sun May 14 16:03:53 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Reorganised and tidied the headers somewhat. Various cleanups.

Sat May 13 20:53:12 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Add -N, --no-menus option for people who Just Want The Pr0n [tm]

Sat May 13 20:35:08 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Now you can press 'r' to reload images too.

Sat May 13 20:24:18 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Hide menu, *then* perform action. Otherwise hitting "reload" on
	an http:// image over a slow connection keeps the mouse grab until
	finished. Messy ;-)

Sat May 13 19:54:46 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Make the menus slightly prettier. I wish I had an artistic bone
	somewhere in my body...

Sat May 13 18:04:58 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Use realpath() to cleanup paths before sticking them in a
	filelist. Added --menu-font, -M so that you can use whatever font
	you like for menus.

Sat May 13 00:11:06 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Menus. They need some work, but are mostly good.
	* I owe many thanks to raster here, 'cos I pinched some functions
        from efm to save time :-)
	* Added --auto-zoom. Currently only works with --no-progressive, I
	need to fix that soonish...

Tue May  9 22:04:37 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Now --filelist is -f, relegating -font to -e. *shrug*.

Tue May  9 21:57:14 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Now --theme is -t instead of -C (duh).

Tue May  9 21:35:34 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Now --action is A, and --ignoreaspect is X.

Tue May  9 21:30:59 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Now randomize is -z, which makes a little more sense.

Tue May  9 21:15:57 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Swapped -g and -c so that --collage gets the -c it fits, and
	randomize gets -g. I need to rework all these short options,
	they're a mess right now. Sorry if I break anyone's configs doing
	this :-(

Tue May  9 21:09:15 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Removed -B, --booth, as it's just a combo of options now doable
	in the config file. I stuck it in the example config instead...

Mon May  8 22:38:11 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Don't apply colormods to each whole image. First scale it to
	thumbnail size, then apply the colormod to that.

Mon May  8 22:08:41 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Made --alpha actually do stuff. I finally grokked color
	modifiers, and now they're fun ;-) Imlib2.h is really gonna need
	some comments at some point though - I had proper trial-and-error
	fun and games there for a while ;-)

Mon May  8 21:58:54 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* D'oh! if(foo & bar) isn't quite the same as if(foo &&
	bar). Stupid cheap keyboards ;-)

Mon May  8 13:12:01 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Fun with dmalloc

Mon May  8 13:10:12 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Ensure backgrounds of index and montage images are black by
	default. Imlib2's behaviour changed in this respect at some point.

Sun May  7 18:42:57 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Fixed breakage (and segfault) when preloading images in verbose
	mode if any of the images are unloadable. Stupid typo.

Sun Apr 30 16:02:11 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added  -n, --reverse. Reverses the sort order.
	Use this to invert the order of the filelist. Eg to sort in
	reverse width order, use -nSwidth

Sun Apr 30 15:13:25 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* In slideshow and muliwindow modes, DELETE now removes the
	current file from the filelist. CTRL+DELETE deletes the files from
	the filesystem and removes it from the filelist.

Sun Apr 30 14:48:04 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Filelists can now be saved to and loaded from files, very much
	like the playlists used by music players.
	* Here's the details:
            -e, --filelist FILE
            This option is similar to the playlists used by music
            software. If FILE exists, it will be read for a  list
            of  files to load, in the order they appear. The for-
            mat is a list of image filenames, absolute  or  rela-
            tive to the current directory, one filename per line.
            If FILE doesn't exist, it will be  created  from  the
            internal  filelist  at  the end of a viewing session.
            This is best used to store  the  results  of  complex
            sorts  (-Spixels for example) for later viewing.  Any
            changes to the internal filelist (such as deleting  a
            file or it being pruned for being unloadable) will be
            saved to FILE when feh exits. You can  add  files  to
            filelists  by specifying them on the commandline when
            also specifying the list.
	* I quite like this option. The reason I added was that I've been
	testing some boundary conditions by recursing through complex
	directory trees / sorting 10,000 images by pixel size etc, and
	that can take a while. Now I can do it once, save the filelist,
	and refer to that in future. You can of course use it to organise
	and group pics too. ~/lists/britney.list, ~/lists/laetitia.list.

Sun Apr 30 02:40:01 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* PageUp/PageDown in slideshows will jump back/forward about
	1/20th of the total number of files...

Sat Apr 29 21:42:45 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Hrm. Actually wait for X to resize the window before rendering
	the pixmap, or the resize sometimes gets delayed...

Sat Apr 29 04:52:20 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Heh. Sanely handle deleting the only/last image in the

Thu Apr 27 16:10:35 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* You can delete files using ctrl-del in multiwindow mode too now.
	* Smoothing now occurs as soon as you stop zooming. This also
	massively tidied the event loop and killed a couple of nasty

Thu Apr 27 14:39:44 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Spilt off the part of main_loop which loops for ever from the
	part that responds to events. I now have a feh_main_iteration that
	processes events and returns afterwards. This means I can process
	events from outside the main loop. I'm gonna use this and the
	new interruptable progressive loaders to do funky stuff soon ;-)

Thu Apr 27 03:29:33 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Progressive loading api change.

Tue Apr 25 01:41:52 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* I'm bored, and a little drunk, so I made it pass -pedantic, for

Mon Apr 24 22:29:52 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Make sure nothing's cached.

Mon Apr 24 19:53:23 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Changed some of the debugging macros.
	* Found and fixed wasted extra loops in option file parsing.

Mon Apr 24 16:48:15 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Feh is hereby rereleased under a less restrictive license. Much
	as I want to propagate Free software, I don't want to be a Free
	software Nazi. Do with it what you wish.
	* Various fixups, tweaks, and readability improvements.

Mon Apr 24 04:47:44 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Finally got off my arse and made the text center under the
	images in index mode.

Mon Apr 24 04:21:49 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Now that I have the config file, feh can safely be called
	without any paramters, they can all be defined in the theme.
	This leaves my:
	if(argc < 2) show_usage();
	looking pretty stupid.

Mon Apr 24 03:53:16 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added --fontpath, to allow an extra directory to be specified in
	which to look for fonts. You can add this to /etc/fehrc or
	~/.fehrc to make it permanent. Something like:
	feh --fontpath /usr/share/ttfonts

Sat Apr 22 01:48:46 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* A slideshow delay of zero is now permitted. It means "go as fast
	as you can". I like it ;-) You can pause with the middle mouse

Wed Apr 19 19:42:45 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added -g, --collage. Collage mode is like montage mode, except
	the image thumbnails are distributed randomly. Run test26 for an

Tue Apr 11 18:20:21 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Make included getopt actually work if needed :)

Sat Mar 25 17:42:43 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Event loop and zooming tweak.

Sat Mar 25 02:09:08 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Okay, well, seeing as feh isn't resize-friendly (it's just not
	designed for it - use gimp for that stuff ;), I'm disabling
	resizing of the window. Bite me :)

Fri Mar 24 19:22:51 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Muhahaha. Config file. It had to be done, there are so many
	options now. This is totally optional of course, if you don't
	create one, you'll never notice the difference. Here's how it
	* If ~/.fehrc exists, or if not, but /etc/fehrc exists, feh will
	look in it for name/options pairs. An example entry would be:
	imagemap -rVq --thumb-width 40 --thumb-height 30
a1346054's avatar
a1346054 committed
	* You can use the theme in two ways. Either
	feh -C themename [images]
	or you can create a symbolic link to feh with the name of the
	options you want it to use. So from the example above:
	ln -s `which feh` ~/bin/imagemap
	Now I just run 'imagemap' to use those options.
	A cooler example is
	mkindex -iO index.jpg --title-font 20thcent/24 .
        Notice the '.' at the end.
	Now with a symlink I can create a mkindex command which will
	create an index.jpg in the current directory. I just run:
	$ mkindex.
	* An example.fehrc is provided with a couple of cool examples.
Fri Mar 24 19:17:27 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Slightly increased the default index mode font size.

Fri Mar 24 16:59:28 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Modified index mode to only show the image name below each
	thumbnail, and added -I, --fullindex mode to provide the other
	info (size, dimensions). Squashed a bug where the index print was
	always made 30 pixels too tall ;)

Thu Mar 23 22:45:15 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Feh will now read options from the environment variable
	FEH_OPTIONS if it is set. These options will be loaded before
	commandline ones, and so can be overidden. The syntax is the same
	as the commandline, so multiples are allowed (eg "-Vq -Sname")
	I would recommend export FEH_OPTIONS="-Vq" as being quite handy.

Wed Mar 22 22:52:53 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Well, it might be an idea to tell wget to ignore server-cached
	data when reloading webcams :)

Wed Mar 22 19:57:04 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Better man page. Examples of cool usage.

Wed Mar 22 18:17:11 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Man page! Whee!

Wed Mar 22 04:14:12 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added format specifiers for actions. %w width, %h height, %p
	pixels, %s size, %t type (jpeg etc).

Wed Mar 22 03:50:24 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* User definable actions for slideshow and multiwindow modes. Use
	-X or --action STRING to define an action. The action will be run
	when the ENTER key is pressed. The action should be in the form of
	a shell command, using %f to represent the image filename
	(including path), and %n to refer to it's name. Example:
	feh -X "mv %f ~/images/%n"
	Use this to go through some images and pick out the good ones :)
	More format specifiers will follow...

Wed Mar 22 02:55:37 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Okay. I found a naughty bug of mine. If the last image of a
	montage/index was not loadable - core was dumped. Nice bug. Fun to
	find =) I blame redhat.

Tue Mar 21 15:45:02 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Major cruft removal and tidying of code path. Progressive
	loading code slightly less complex now.

Tue Mar 21 15:18:08 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Big optimisation for progressive loading in fullscreen mode. I
	was recreating the pixmap at every iteration - damnit ;)

Mon Mar 20 21:54:22 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Dammit. Why do I find these things *after* a release?

Mon Mar 20 19:24:46 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Released 0.7.0

Sun Mar 19 20:55:57 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Main event loop tidy up.

Sat Mar 18 21:59:55 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added a coupla more tests...

Sat Mar 18 21:56:08 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Fixed stupid segfault using --list when there are no loadable

Sat Mar 18 14:06:08 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* --list tidy up.

Sat Mar 18 02:56:03 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* More --verbose twiddles.

Sat Mar 18 02:18:39 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Made the --verbose output more useful, and prettier ;)

Sat Mar 18 00:37:17 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Made the -V, --verbose option give cooler output on loading
	mulitple images. It's pretty flim now.

Sat Mar 18 00:32:42 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added -U, --loadables, and -u, --unloadables. They don't show
	images, just list all the files from the filelist that are
	loadable or unloadable, respectively.

Fri Mar 17 22:58:14 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Don't need to create checkerboard for list mode, montage mode,
	index mode, etc...

Fri Mar 17 22:43:27 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* We don't need to allocate space for the file info unless we
	intend to use it. Saves RAM on big file lists...

Fri Mar 17 22:18:50 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Big changes. I am tired ;)
	* You can now sort the filelist in any mode.
	* Sorting by name/filename is *fast*
	* Sorting by image properties such as width, height, type etc
	incurs a delay at startup while the images are preloaded. This
	could get big for large lists of files.
	* Added a -p, --preload option to force preloading before running
	a slideshow. This weeds out images that imlib2 can't load so that
	the initial number of slides is accurate. Normally, the bad/non
	images are weeded out as you go, causing the number of slides to
	update as things go. Preload is great for montage and index modes,
	as it ensures the correctly sized space is allocated for the

Fri Mar 17 19:22:18 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* List modes can now sort by image info using -S, --sort. Allowed
	sort modes are width, height, pixels, size, format, name,
	filename. Default sort mode is none (ie order specified/read).
	* eg. feh -lSpixels * to see the highest resolution images...

Fri Mar 17 18:04:03 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added -L, --longlist to allow for more detailed listings. Lists
	are sorted by filename now too. (Until I write more sorting

Thu Mar 16 19:47:16 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Slightly cleaner --list stuff...

Thu Mar 16 17:46:39 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added -l, --list mode. Doesn't display images, just analyses
	them a little and spits out an 'ls' style listing with some basic
	info. Useful in scripts. I intend to extend this somewhat soon.

Thu Mar 16 16:40:19 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added -q, --quiet option. Stops non-fatal image load errors
	being reported. Useful when you want to do feh * on a directory
	with some images, some other stuff. You'll only see what imlib2
	can load.

Wed Mar 15 21:32:48 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Fixed bug using the short versions of --limit-width and

Wed Mar 15 21:17:26 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Better still. Font size increases in fullscreen mode, but -d
	works in windowed modes too now.

Wed Mar 15 20:58:50 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Hrm. Much better.

Wed Mar 15 20:36:54 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added -d, --draw_filename for use with fullscreen mode. It
	sticks the filename up in the top left. Needs some more work yet.

Sat Mar 11 23:35:20 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added proper commandline option parsing courtesy of getopt_long
	:) Obviously not everyone has this, so I include it myself. Now
	you can combine args in nice ways: "feh -kR20"
	* It passes "make test" okay, but I reserve the right to have
	broken something =) Let me know?

Sat Mar 11 01:34:36 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* 0.6.4 released

Tue Mar  7 23:07:40 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Fixed evil segv due to uninitialised gc.

Sat Mar  4 16:33:29 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* --help output for the new options.
	* Added --booth, with is a shortcut for a fullscreen slideshow
	with an auto-change every 20 seconds...

Sat Mar  4 15:59:44 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Bah. Disabled zooming in fullscreen mode for now. I'll do the
	math and fix it later.
	* I think I'm gonna have to rewrite shedloads of it to support
	window resizing etc...

Sat Mar  4 14:46:42 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Fixed progressive loading in fullscreen mode. Those callbacks
	*are* on crack, but for them to make sense would be a big rewrite
	I don't have time for now =)
	* Unfortunately, zooming in fullscreen mode is broken, I'm looking
	at this now. Also, I get a weird segv when I do "feh -F directory"
	but not when I do "feh -F file" or "feh -F file1 file2", and not
	when I do "feh directory" or "feh -b directory" etc. I'm trying to
	work this out, but the fullscreen thing should be independent of
	the filelist thing...

Fri Mar  3 22:44:25 PST 2000  Michael Jennings <>

	* Added two new options.  --randomize will take the file list and
	rearrange it into a random order.  --full-screen or -F will create
	a screen-sized borderless window (akin to a screensaver) and will
	center the image within it.  NOTE:  At this point, full screen mode
	only works if you disable the progressive callback.  I'm waaaay too
	tired right now to try to make sense out of gilbertt's callback
	logic. :-)  I'll try to fix it this weekend if he doesn't beat me
	to it.
Wed Mar  1 15:13:04 PST 2000  Michael Jennings <>

	* Math lib
Sun Feb 20 15:22:00 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Remove some crufty duplication.

Sat Feb 19 17:11:49 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Reduced mem usage, tuned file handling. Tidied up.

Sat Feb 19 00:55:46 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Added -b, --borderless option. Can you guess what it does?

Fri Feb 18 23:51:14 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Well, if I wasn't so dumb, I'd have realised that my last
	comment only holds true for depths > 4000 or so. I don't have that
	here. So, s/massive/fscking enormous/g.
	* Fixed the *actual* problem, which was, of course, that I forgot
	to close my damn dirents.
	* Pull out the cl00bats, for I have goofed.

Fri Feb 18 23:33:54 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Okay, okay. I suck. There is a mild problem I have to fix when
	running recursively on *massive* hierarchy's. Basically, I run out
	of file descriptors :( At least it now aborts when this happens, but
	I need to fix this.

Fri Feb 18 21:13:32 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* less stupid

Fri Feb 18 20:51:53 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* index.c: misc tidyups

Fri Feb 18 20:41:02 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Misc fixes and cleanups.

Fri Feb 18 16:34:49 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Stupid, stupid, stupid. I am stupid.

Thu Feb 17 23:14:09 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Ooh. Cool. Now slideshow/deletion numbering works more sanely -
	thanks to the new filelist code.

Thu Feb 17 23:13:22 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Hehe. That was more dumb than usual. Deleting files somewhat
	destroyed the list, and caused nice segfaults.

Thu Feb 17 22:05:40 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* More file-list fixes.

Thu Feb 17 21:55:53 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Note to self: if you prepend everything to a list, the resultant
	list will be in reverse. You'll be needing to fix that =)

Thu Feb 17 21:35:15 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Thank goodness for that :) I totally reworked the file handling
	code, and things are cleaner internally now. The change shouldn't
	show to a user, but for me, things are better.
	* I broke stuff badly with this change, and only now have I got
	everything back on track. There may be issues still, but it seems
	good now, and I'll keep playing with it...

Wed Feb  9 21:59:09 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Removed all the image modification code from feh, seeing as
	dphase is working on ee2. No point duplicating everything :)
	* I figure feh can view pr0n, while ee2 modifies it :) Something
	like that, anyway.
	* I never wanted the modification stuff in here really, it was
	just feature creep. Feh is a viewer and montager. That is all :)

Tue Jan 11 21:11:11 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Hrm. Just so you know what order they come in, the images are
	  now saved in /tmp (actually whatever tempdir is set up on your
	  system) in the format "number"_"unique bit"_"original filename"

Tue Jan 11 20:52:19 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Okay. The cached images are now deleted. The filenames are no
	  longer crap. ("Unique prefix"_feh_"original filename")
	* New option -k, --keep-http, tell feh *not* to delete the files,
	  so that you can later claim them from /tmp. Saves you
	  downloading them again if you like them.
	* A happy side effect of this is that if you use -k and -R to keep
	  http and reload, and point the thing at a webcam, you'll capture
	  each frame and save it as a separate image.
	* I *can't* imagine why anyone would *want* that, but I thought
	  I'd pass it on ;-)

Tue Jan 11 19:51:40 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Caching of images loaded via http. When in slideshow mode, and
	  the --reload option is not specified, a file loaded by http will
	  be stored in /tmp to avoid reloading from the web it every time
	  you loop through the slideshow or whatever.
	* The --reload option disables caching
	* Right now, the cached images are left in temp with crap
	  filenames. I'm gonna fix it up so that they are normally deleted
	  on program exit, but there will be an option to save them to the
	  current directory. (So you still have the images after viewing

Tue Jan 11 19:07:07 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* New option, -R, --reload. Lets you specify a time in seconds,
	  feh will reload the image for you after this time. This works for
	  normal files and urls. The image will not be cached, so it is
	  ideal for viewing webcam images etc.

Mon Jan 10 22:48:46 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Whee. Now feh can load images from urls.
	* Specify an image starting with http:// and feh will use wget to
	  load the image, store it in a temporary file and view it.
	* You must have wget installed for this to work.
	* I have some optimisations to add, the image is currently not
	  cached, so if you have http files in a slideshow, they will reload
	  each time you get to them ;) I'll do this soon.

Sat Jan  8 18:44:05 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Finally got around to adding timers to feh. Now there is a new
	  option, -D, or --slideshow-delay NUM. NUM is the time in seconds
	  between changing slides for you. There is a new test to
	  demonstrate this option.
	* The timer will pause while you zoom, and will be reset if you
	  change slides yourself.
	* The timers code is loosely based on raster's epplet timer
	  code, 'cos its cool. No need to re-invent the wheel ;)

Mon Jan  3 18:29:46 2000  Tom Gilbert  <>

	* Okay. feh is now capable of some minor touch-ups. Nothing major,
	and no image saving yet, but it tests the selection and
	modification code.
	* We're not writing a full-blown editor here... The idea is to
	browse through your images, select one, make minor changes if you
	want, then set it as your desktop background.
	* To test, toggle the various modes and use the left mouse button
	to use 'em.
	* 'c' - crop image to rectangle