Birte Kristina Friesel authored
Looks like these devices can only use the lower 64 kB as PROGMEM, so the whole exercise is kinda pointless. Also inflate() is slow af.
Birte Kristina Friesel authoredLooks like these devices can only use the lower 64 kB as PROGMEM, so the whole exercise is kinda pointless. Also inflate() is slow af.
convert 366 B
# [size=WxH] ./convert.sh <file> -r <frame rate> [additional ffmpeg args]
set -eu
mkdir -p tmp
ffmpeg -i "$@" tmp/frame%4d.png
parallel mogrify -resize "${size:-128x32}" -threshold 50% -- tmp/*.png
echo "#include <avr/pgmspace.h>" > frames.cc
echo "const unsigned char frame_rate = $3;" >> frames.cc
./frames-to-cc tmp/*.png >> frames.cc
rm -rf tmp