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Created with Raphaël 2.2.030Nov167Mar23Feb211615121110828Jan27262117151422Dec1911Sep3Jul27Apr12Mar24Jan111Aug921Jul191829Jun2826May201615918Feb31Jan261693231Dec2927262524222120191311830Nov2928222113432131Oct212017151411103230Sep252322191812228May212016Apr15141312111017Mar26Feb2524181714873131Jan3028262421201918171511Dec982130Nov26Oct23221626Sep16111074131Aug2827131226Jul221713106522Jun14May30Apr291725Mar23181186217Feb14128Jan720Dec191812128Nov251815141310542128Oct26252118178625Sep24236230Aug27141326Jul252219181615128Jun262524215427May2422Mar2113865422Feb1831Jan3029914Dec131211754330Nov2826222120191615add mailmapmainmainws2812b test: do not turn off LEDs completely to aid dead pixel detectionAdd WS2812b test applicationupdate msp430fr5994lp testCOPYING: update copyright yearAdd STREAM benchmark applicationmake cat: Support _ms= and _us= output for dfatool's analyze-log.pystm32f7: slightly un-break delay_us and delay_msmake stm32f7 usable with dfatool counter benchmarksstm32f746zg: gpio: Add ports D through Hrm46l8lp: overflow is 2^32, not 2^32-1rm46l8lp gpio: implement output, read, write. TODO: inputstm32f7: Working counterrm46l8lp: Add 'cat' it's counter freq, not cpu freqREADME: Add I²C on STM32F7stm32f7: Add I²C driver. With fast mode!Add Bad Apple on STM32F4 (WiP; timer is still missing)stm32f446re: Add I²C driverssd1306test: initialize gpios (required for softi2c)msp430fr5994lp: stdin: increase buffer size from 16 to 32 Bytemsp430fr5994lp: I think past-derf wanted to work around an erratummsp430fr5994lp: correctly document clock ratesAdd Bad Apple on ATMega2560 (not working very well)fix atmega2560 timerbad-apple on msp430fr / sharp96: more consistent main loopbad-apple-msp430fr-ssd1306-128x64: there is no setup_hz_lowbad-apple-msp430fr-ssd1306-128x64: Specify dependenciesmsp430fr sharp96 bad apple depends on a timerbad-apple-msp430fr-ssd1306: add frames.ccmsp430fr5994: It's FRAM/SRAM, not ROM/RAMmsp430fr5994: correctly specify FRAM usage when flashing in 20bit modessd1306test depends on framebufferrename ssd1306-bad-apple to bad-apple-msp430fr-ssd1306-128x64bad apple: improve promptbad apple: more fine-grained dependencies in Kconfigrename sharp96-bad-apple to bad-apple-msp430fr-sharp96ssd1306test app requires vertical addressing modessd1306.h: Fix initialization for 32px high vertical addressing modeconsistent headings might help as well