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package Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Journey;
use strict;
use warnings;

no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';

use parent 'Class::Accessor';

Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed
our $VERSION = '3.01';
	qw(datetime sched_datetime rt_datetime is_cancelled operator delay
	  platform sched_platform rt_platform
	  id name type type_long number line
	  route_end route_start origin destination direction)
	my ( $obj, %opt ) = @_;

	my @locL  = @{ $opt{common}{locL}  // [] };
	my @prodL = @{ $opt{common}{prodL} // [] };
	my @opL   = @{ $opt{common}{opL}   // [] };
	my @icoL  = @{ $opt{common}{icoL}  // [] };
	my @remL  = @{ $opt{common}{remL}  // [] };
	my @himL  = @{ $opt{common}{himL}  // [] };

	my $hafas   = $opt{hafas};
	my $journey = $opt{journey};

	my $date = $journey->{date};

	my $direction    = $journey->{dirTxt};
	my $is_cancelled = $journey->{isCncl};
	my $jid          = $journey->{jid};

	my $product  = $prodL[ $journey->{prodX} ];
	my $name     = $product->{addName} // $product->{name};
	my $line_no  = $product->{prodCtx}{line};
	my $train_no = $product->{prodCtx}{num};
	my $cat      = $product->{prodCtx}{catOut};
	my $catlong  = $product->{prodCtx}{catOutL};
	if ( $name eq $cat ) {
		$name .= ' ' . $product->{nameS};
	if ( defined $train_no and not $train_no ) {
		$train_no = undef;
	if (
		    not defined $line_no
		and defined $product->{prodCtx}{matchId}
		( not defined $train_no or $product->{prodCtx}{matchId} ne $train_no )
		$line_no = $product->{prodCtx}{matchId};

	my $operator;
	if ( defined $product->{oprX} ) {
		if ( my $opref = $opL[ $product->{oprX} ] ) {
			$operator = $opref->{name};

	my @messages;
	for my $msg ( @{ $journey->{msgL} // [] } ) {
		if ( $msg->{type} eq 'REM' and defined $msg->{remX} ) {
			push( @messages, $hafas->add_message( $remL[ $msg->{remX} ] ) );
		elsif ( $msg->{type} eq 'HIM' and defined $msg->{himX} ) {
			push( @messages, $hafas->add_message( $himL[ $msg->{himX} ], 1 ) );
		else {
			say "Unknown message type $msg->{type}";

	my @stops;
	for my $stop ( @{ $journey->{stopL} // [] } ) {
		my $loc       = $locL[ $stop->{locX} ];
		my $sched_arr = $stop->{aTimeS};
		my $rt_arr    = $stop->{aTimeR};
		my $sched_dep = $stop->{dTimeS};
		my $rt_dep    = $stop->{dTimeR};

		for my $timestr ( $sched_arr, $rt_arr, $sched_dep, $rt_dep ) {
			if ( not defined $timestr ) {
			if ( length($timestr) == 8 ) {

				# arrival time includes a day offset
				my $offset_date = $hafas->{now}->clone;
				$offset_date->add( days => substr( $timestr, 0, 2, q{} ) );
				$offset_date = $offset_date->strftime('%Y%m%d');
				$timestr     = $hafas->{strptime_obj}
				  = $hafas->{strptime_obj}

		my $arr_delay
		  = ( $sched_arr and $rt_arr )
		  ? ( $rt_arr->epoch - $sched_arr->epoch ) / 60
		  : undef;

		my $dep_delay
		  = ( $sched_dep and $rt_dep )
		  ? ( $rt_dep->epoch - $sched_dep->epoch ) / 60
		  : undef;

				name      => $loc->{name},
				eva       => $loc->{extId} + 0,
				lon       => $loc->{crd}{x} * 1e-6,
				lat       => $loc->{crd}{y} * 1e-6,
				sched_arr => $sched_arr,
				rt_arr    => $rt_arr,
				sched_dep => $sched_dep,
				rt_dep    => $rt_dep,
				arr       => $rt_arr // $sched_arr,
				arr_delay => $arr_delay,
				dep       => $rt_dep // $sched_dep,
				dep_delay => $dep_delay,
				delay     => $dep_delay // $arr_delay
	if ( $journey->{stbStop} ) {
		shift @stops;
		id           => $jid,
		name         => $name,
		number       => $train_no,
		line         => $line_no,
		type         => $cat,
		type_long    => $catlong,
		direction    => $direction,
		is_cancelled => $is_cancelled,
	if ( $journey->{stbStop} ) {
		if ( $hafas->{arrivals} ) {
			$ref->{origin} = $ref->{route_end};
		else {
			$ref->{destination} = $ref->{route_end};
	else {
		$ref->{route_start} = $stops[0]{name};
	bless( $ref, $obj );
		$ref->{sched_platform} = $journey->{stbStop}{dPlatfS};
		$ref->{rt_platform}    = $journey->{stbStop}{dPlatfR};
		$ref->{platform}       = $ref->{rt_platform} // $ref->{sched_platform};

		my $time_s
		  = $journey->{stbStop}{ $hafas->{arrivals} ? 'aTimeS' : 'dTimeS' };
		my $time_r
		  = $journey->{stbStop}{ $hafas->{arrivals} ? 'aTimeR' : 'dTimeR' };

		my $datetime_s
		  = $hafas->{strptime_obj}->parse_datetime("${date}T${time_s}");
		my $datetime_r
		  = $time_r
		  ? $hafas->{strptime_obj}->parse_datetime("${date}T${time_r}")
		  : undef;

		my $delay
		  = $datetime_r
		  ? ( $datetime_r->epoch - $datetime_s->epoch ) / 60
		  : undef;

		$ref->{sched_datetime} = $datetime_s;
		$ref->{rt_datetime}    = $datetime_r;
		$ref->{datetime}       = $datetime_r // $datetime_s;
		$ref->{delay}          = $delay;

		if ( $ref->{delay} ) {
			$ref->{datetime} = $ref->{rt_datetime};
		else {
			$ref->{datetime} = $ref->{sched_datetime};
	if ( $opt{polyline} ) {
		$ref->{polyline} = $opt{polyline};
sub is_changed_platform {
	my ($self) = @_;

	if ( defined $self->{rt_platform} and defined $self->{sched_platform} ) {
		if ( $self->{rt_platform} ne $self->{sched_platform} ) {
	if ( defined $self->{rt_platform} ) {
		return 1;

	return 0;

sub messages {
	my ($self) = @_;

	if ( $self->{messages} ) {
		return @{ $self->{messages} };

sub polyline {
	my ($self) = @_;

	if ( $self->{polyline} ) {
		return @{ $self->{polyline} };

sub route {
	my ($self) = @_;

	if ( $self->{route} ) {
		return @{ $self->{route} };

sub TO_JSON {
	my ($self) = @_;

	my $ret = { %{$self} };

	for my $k ( keys %{$ret} ) {
		if ( ref( $ret->{$k} ) eq 'DateTime' ) {
			$ret->{$k} = $ret->{$k}->epoch;

	for my $stop ( @{ $ret->{route} } ) {
		for my $k ( keys %{$stop} ) {
			if ( ref( $stop->{$k} ) eq 'DateTime' ) {
				$stop->{$k} = $stop->{$k}->epoch;

	return $ret;
Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Journey - Information about a single
journey received by Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS


	for my $departure ($status->results) {
			"At %s: %s to %s from platform %s\n",

	# or (depending on module setup)
	for my $arrival ($status->results) {
			"At %s: %s from %s on platform %s\n",

=head1 VERSION

Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar
Birte Kristina Friesel committed
version 3.01
Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Journey describes a single journey. It is either
a station-specific arrival/departure obtained by a stationboard query, or a
train journey that does not belong to a specific station.

stationboard-specific accessors are annotated with "(station only)" and return
undef for non-station journeys.
=item $journey->name

Returns the journey or line name, either in a format like "Bus SB16" (Bus line
SB16) or "RE 10111" (RegionalExpress train 10111, no line information).  May
contain extraneous whitespace characters.

=item $journey->type
Returns the type of this journey, e.g. "S" for S-Bahn, "RE" for Regional Express
or "STR" for tram / StraE<szlig>enbahn.

=item $journey->type_long
Returns the long type of this journey, e.g. "S-Bahn" or "Regional-Express".
=item $journey->line

Returns the line identifier, or undef if it is unknown.
The line identifier may be a single number such as "11" (underground train
line U 11), a single word (e.g. "AIR") or a combination (e.g. "SB16").

=item $journey->number

Returns the journey number (e.g. train number), or undef if it is unknown.

Returns tha HAFAS-internal journey ID.

=item $journey->rt_datetime (station only)

DateTime object indicating the actual arrival/departure date and time.
undef if no real-time data is available.

=item $journey->sched_datetime (station only)
DateTime object indicating the scheduled arrival/departure date and time.
undef if no schedule data is available.
=item $journey->datetime (station only)
DateTime object indicating the arrival/departure date and time.
Real-time data if available, schedule data otherwise.
undef if neither is available.
=item $journey->delay (station only)
Returns the delay in minutes, or undef if it is unknown.
Also returns undef if the arrival/departure has been cancelled.
=item $journey->is_cancelled
True if the journey was cancelled, false otherwise.
=item $journey->rt_platform (station only)

Actual arrival/departure platform.
undef if no real-time data is available.

=item $journey->sched_platform (station only)

Scheduled arrival/departure platform.
undef if no scheduled platform is available.

=item $journey->platform (station only)
Arrival/Departure platform. Real-time data if available, schedule data
otherwise. May be undef.
=item $journey->is_changed_platform (station only)
True if the real-time platform is known and it is not the scheduled one.
=item $journey->messages
Returns a list of message strings related to this journey. Messages usually are
service notices (e.g. "missing carriage") or detailed delay reasons
(e.g. "switch damage between X and Y, expect delays").

=item $journey->operator
Returns the operator responsible for this journey. Returns undef
if the backend does not provide an operator.

=item $journey->route

Returns a list of hashes; each hash describes a single journey stop.
In stationboard mode, it only contains arrivals prior to the requested station
or departures after the requested station. In journey mode, it contains the
entire route. Each hash contains the following keys:

=item * name (name

=item * eva (EVA ID)

=item * lon (longitude)

=item * lat (latitude)

=item * rt_arr (DateTime object for actual arrival)

=item * sched_arr (DateTime object for scheduled arrival)

=item * arr (DateTime object for actual or scheduled arrival)

=item * arr_delay (arrival delay in minutes)

=item * rt_dep (DateTime object for actual departure)

=item * sched_dep (DateTime object for scheduled departure)

=item * dep (DateTIme object for actual or scheduled departure)

=item * dep_delay (departure delay in minutes)

=item * delay (departure or arrival delay in minutes)


Individual entries may be undef.
=item $journey->route_end
Name of the last route station. In arrival mode, this is where the train
started; in all other cases, it is the terminus.

=item $journey->destination
Alias for route_end; only set when requesting departures in station mode.

=item $journey->origin
Alias for route_end; only set when requesting arrivals in station mode.
=item $journey->direction
Train direction; this is typically the text printed on the train itself.
May be different from destination / route_end and may change along the route.
=item $journey->polyline (journey only)
List of geocoordinates that describe the train's route. Each list entry is
a hash with the following keys.
=item * name (name of stop at this location, if any. undef otherwise)
=item * eva (EVA ID of stop at this location, if any. undef otherwise)

Note that stop locations in B<polyline> may differ from the coordinates
returned in B<route>. This is a backend issue; Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS
simply passes the returned coordinates on.






=item Class::Accessor(3pm)



None known.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Copyright (C) 2015-2022 by Daniel Friesel E<lt>derf@finalrewind.orgE<gt>

=head1 LICENSE

This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.