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Unverified Commit 0f870c6e authored by Birte Kristina Friesel's avatar Birte Kristina Friesel
Browse files

Remove support for XML HAFAS interfaces

parent 525724d4
No related branches found
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......@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ Module::Build->new(
'Class::Accessor' => '0.16',
'DateTime' => 0,
'DateTime::Format::Strptime' => 0,
'Digest::MD5' => 0,
'Getopt::Long' => 0,
'JSON' => 0,
'List::MoreUtils' => 0,
......@@ -29,7 +30,6 @@ Module::Build->new(
'LWP::UserAgent' => 0,
'LWP::Protocol::https' => 0,
'POSIX' => 0,
'XML::LibXML' => '1.70',
script_files => 'bin/',
sign => 1,
......@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install ca-certificates curl gcc libc6-dev libssl1.1 libssl-dev libxml2 libxml2-dev make zlib1g-dev \
&& apt-get -y --no-install-recommends install ca-certificates curl gcc libc6-dev libssl1.1 libssl-dev make zlib1g-dev \
&& cpanm -n --no-man-pages --installdeps . \
&& perl Build.PL \
&& perl Build \
&& rm -rf ~/.cpanm \
&& apt-get -y purge curl gcc libc6-dev libssl-dev libxml2-dev make zlib1g-dev \
&& apt-get -y purge curl gcc libc6-dev libssl-dev make zlib1g-dev \
&& apt-get -y autoremove \
&& apt-get -y clean \
&& rm -rf /var/cache/apt/* /var/lib/apt/lists/*
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ interfaces, and can also be pointed to URLs not listed here.
* [Nahverkehrsverbund Schleswig-Holstein](
* [Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt](
* [Nordhessischer VerkehrsVerbund](
* [Rostocker Straßenbahn AG](
* [Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg](
* [Verkehrsverbund Bremen/Niedersachsen](
* [Österreichische Bundesbahnen](
......@@ -78,7 +77,6 @@ pkg-config and a C compiler) installed. You will also need the following
libraries with development headers:
* libssl
* libxml2
* zlib
Now, use a tool of your choice to install the module. Minimum working example:
......@@ -350,8 +350,6 @@ None.
=item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm)
=item * XML::LibXML(3pm)
requires 'Class::Accessor';
requires 'DateTime';
requires 'DateTime::Format::Strptime';
requires 'Digest::MD5';
requires 'Getopt::Long';
requires 'JSON';
requires 'List::MoreUtils';
......@@ -8,7 +9,6 @@ requires 'List::Util';
requires 'LWP::UserAgent';
requires 'LWP::Protocol::https';
requires 'POSIX';
requires 'XML::LibXML';
on test => sub {
requires 'File::Slurp';
......@@ -91,8 +91,6 @@ None.
=item * Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS(3pm)
=item * XML::LibXML(3pm)
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Message;
use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Result;
use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder;
use XML::LibXML;
our $VERSION = '3.01';
......@@ -322,145 +321,6 @@ sub new_mgate {
return $self;
sub new_legacy {
my ( $self, %conf ) = @_;
my $now = $self->{now};
my $date = ( $conf{datetime} // $now )->strftime('%d.%m.%Y');
my $time = ( $conf{datetime} // $now )->strftime('%H:%M');
my $mode = $conf{arrivals} ? 'arr' : 'dep';
my $lang = 'd';
my $service = $conf{service};
$self->{post} = {
input => $conf{station},
date => $date,
time => $time,
start => 'yes', # value doesn't matter, just needs to be set
boardType => $mode,
L => 'vs_java3',
my $url = ( $conf{url} // $hafas_instance{$service}{url} ) . "/${lang}n";
if ( $conf{xml} ) {
# used for testing
$self->{raw_xml} = $conf{xml};
else {
if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) {
say "requesting from $url";
my $reply = $self->{ua}->post( $url, $self->{post} );
if ( $reply->is_error ) {
$self->{errstr} = $reply->status_line;
return $self;
$self->{raw_xml} = $reply->content;
# the interface often does not return valid XML (but it's close!)
if ( substr( $self->{raw_xml}, 0, 5 ) ne '<?xml' ) {
= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-15"?><wrap>'
. $self->{raw_xml}
. '</wrap>';
if ( defined $service and $service =~ m{ ^ VBB | NVV $ }x ) {
# Returns invalid XML with tags inside HIMMessage's lead attribute.
# Fix this.
=~ s{ lead = " \K ( [^"]+ ) }{ $1 =~ s{ < [^>]+ > }{}grx }egx;
# TODO the DB backend also retuns invalid XML (similar to above, but with
# errors in delay="...") when setting the language to dutch/italian.
# No, I don't know why.
eval { $self->{tree} = XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $self->{raw_xml} ) };
if ( my $err = $@ ) {
if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) {
say $self->{raw_xml};
$self->{errstr} = "Backend returned invalid XML: $err";
return $self;
if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) {
say $self->{tree}->toString(1);
return $self;
sub set_productfilter {
my ($self) = @_;
my $service = $self->{active_service};
my $mot_default = '1';
if ( not $service or not exists $hafas_instance{$service}{productbits} ) {
my %mot_pos;
for my $i ( 0 .. $#{ $hafas_instance{$service}{productbits} } ) {
$mot_pos{ $hafas_instance{$service}{productbits}[$i] } = $i;
if ( $self->{exclusive_mots} and @{ $self->{exclusive_mots} } ) {
$mot_default = '0';
= $mot_default x ( scalar @{ $hafas_instance{$service}{productbits} } );
if ( $self->{exclusive_mots} and @{ $self->{exclusive_mots} } ) {
for my $mot ( @{ $self->{exclusive_mots} } ) {
if ( exists $mot_pos{$mot} ) {
substr( $self->{post}{productsFilter}, $mot_pos{$mot}, 1, '1' );
if ( $self->{excluded_mots} and @{ $self->{excluded_mots} } ) {
for my $mot ( @{ $self->{excluded_mots} } ) {
if ( exists $mot_pos{$mot} ) {
substr( $self->{post}{productsFilter}, $mot_pos{$mot}, 1, '0' );
sub check_input_error {
my ($self) = @_;
my $xp_err = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('//Err');
my $err = ( $self->{tree}->findnodes($xp_err) )[0];
if ($err) {
= $err->getAttribute('text')
. ' (code '
. $err->getAttribute('code') . ')';
$self->{errcode} = $err->getAttribute('code');
return $self;
sub check_mgate {
my ($self) = @_;
......@@ -559,114 +419,11 @@ sub add_message {
return $message;
sub add_message_node {
my ( $self, $node ) = @_;
my $header = $node->getAttribute('header');
my $lead = $node->getAttribute('lead');
for my $message ( @{ $self->{messages} } ) {
if ( $header eq $message->{header} and $lead eq $message->{lead} ) {
return $message;
my $message = Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Message->new(
header => $header,
lead => $lead,
ref_count => 1,
push( @{ $self->{messages} }, $message );
return $message;
sub messages {
my ($self) = @_;
return @{ $self->{messages} };
sub prepare_results {
my ($self) = @_;
my $mode = $self->{post}->{boardType};
my $xp_element = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('//Journey');
my $xp_msg = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./HIMMessage');
if ( not defined $self->{tree} ) {
$self->{results} = [];
$self->{strptime_obj} //= DateTime::Format::Strptime->new(
pattern => '%d.%m.%YT%H:%M',
time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin',
for my $tr ( @{ $self->{tree}->findnodes($xp_element) } ) {
my @message_nodes = $tr->findnodes($xp_msg);
my $train = $tr->getAttribute('prod');
my $time = $tr->getAttribute('fpTime');
my $date = $tr->getAttribute('fpDate');
my $dest = $tr->getAttribute('targetLoc');
my $platform = $tr->getAttribute('platform');
my $new_platform = $tr->getAttribute('newpl');
my $delay = $tr->getAttribute('delay');
my $e_delay = $tr->getAttribute('e_delay');
my $info = $tr->getAttribute('delayReason');
my $operator = $tr->getAttribute('operator');
my @messages;
if ( not( $time and $dest ) ) {
for my $n (@message_nodes) {
push( @messages, $self->add_message_node($n) );
# Some backends report, some report
# -> map all dates to
if ( length($date) == 8 ) {
substr( $date, 6, 0, '20' );
# TODO the first charactor of delayReason is special:
# " " -> no additional data, rest (if any) is delay reason
# else -> first word is not a delay reason but additional data,
# for instance "Zusatzfahrt/Ersatzfahrt" for a replacement train
if ( defined $info and $info eq q{ } ) {
$info = undef;
elsif ( defined $info and substr( $info, 0, 1 ) eq q{ } ) {
substr( $info, 0, 1, q{} );
$train =~ s{#.*$}{};
my $datetime = $self->{strptime_obj}->parse_datetime("${date}T${time}");
@{ $self->{results} },
sched_datetime => $datetime,
datetime_now => $self->{now},
raw_delay => $delay,
raw_e_delay => $e_delay,
messages => \@messages,
train => $train,
operator => $operator,
route_end => $dest,
platform => $platform,
new_platform => $new_platform,
info => $info,
return $self;
sub parse_mgate {
my ($self) = @_;
......@@ -973,8 +730,6 @@ None.
=item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm)
=item * XML::LibXML(3pm)
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ apt-get -y install \
libclass-accessor-perl libdatetime-perl libdatetime-format-strptime-perl \
liblwp-protocol-https-perl libjson-perl libjson-xs-perl \
liblist-moreutils-perl \
libwww-perl libxml-libxml-perl \
libwww-perl \
libtest-compile-perl libtest-pod-perl \
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.020;
use utf8;
use File::Slurp qw(read_file);
use Test::More tests => 2;
use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS;
my $xml = 'lol';
my $status = Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS->new(
service => 'NASA',
station => 'Berlin Jannowitzbrücke',
xml => $xml
is( scalar $status->results,
0, 'no results on valid XML with invalid HAFAS data' );
$xml = 'lol<';
$status = Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS->new(
service => 'NASA',
station => 'Berlin Jannowitzbrücke',
xml => $xml
is( scalar $status->results, 0, 'no results on invalid XML' );
<Journey fpTime="14:19" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B1" targetLoc="Krusau(DK)" dirnr="706798" prod="Bus 1#Bus" dir="Krusau(DK)" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:22" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903386" prod="Bus 12#Bus" dir="Flensburg-Weiche Gartenstadt" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Tegelbarg" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:23" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903386" prod="Bus 14#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Serpentine" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:24" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B1" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903383" prod="Bus 5#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:26" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B2" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="3420028" prod="Bus 5#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:29" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="0" e_delay="0" targetLoc="Husum(Nordsee) Bahnhof" dirnr="3410184" prod="Bus R14#Bus" dir="Husum(Nordsee) Bahnhof" administration="AK____" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Tegelbarg" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:29" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B1" targetLoc="Flensburg Fr&#246;sleeweg" dirnr="706773" prod="Bus 4#Bus" dir="Flensburg Fr&#246;sleeweg" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:31" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="0" e_delay="0" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903380" prod="Bus R14#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AK____" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Serpentine" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:34" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903386" prod="Bus 12#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Tegelbarg" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:35" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Eggebek ZOB" dirnr="3415998" prod="Bus 1550#Bus" dir="Eggebek ZOB" administration="ROH_FL" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Tegelbarg" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:35" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903386" prod="Bus 12#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Serpentine" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:36" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B2" targetLoc="Tarup Ortsausgang" dirnr="3207041" prod="Bus 4#Bus" dir="Tarup Ortsausgang" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:39" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B1" targetLoc="Krusau(DK)" dirnr="706798" prod="Bus 1#Bus" dir="Krusau(DK)" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:42" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903386" prod="Bus 12#Bus" dir="Flensburg-Weiche Gartenstadt" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Tegelbarg" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:42" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903386" prod="Bus 14#Bus" dir="Flensburg F&#246;rde-Park" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Tegelbarg" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:44" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B1" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903383" prod="Bus 5#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:46" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B2" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="3420028" prod="Bus 5#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:48" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="0" e_delay="0" targetLoc="Fredericia st" dirnr="8600623" prod="IC 225#IC" dir="K&#248;benhavn H" administration="86____" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:49" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="0" e_delay="4" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903380" prod="Bus R150#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AK____" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Serpentine" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:49" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B1" targetLoc="Flensburg Fr&#246;sleeweg" dirnr="706773" prod="Bus 4#Bus" dir="Flensburg Fr&#246;sleeweg" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:49" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903402" prod="Bus R125#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="ROH_MI" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Serpentine" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:53" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903386" prod="Bus 14#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Serpentine" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:54" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903386" prod="Bus 12#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Tegelbarg" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:55" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903386" prod="Bus 12#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Serpentine" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:56" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B2" targetLoc="Tarup Ortsausgang" dirnr="3207041" prod="Bus 4#Bus" dir="Tarup Ortsausgang" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:59" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B1" targetLoc="Krusau(DK)" dirnr="706798" prod="Bus 1#Bus" dir="Krusau(DK)" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:02" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903386" prod="Bus 12#Bus" dir="Flensburg-Weiche Gartenstadt" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Tegelbarg" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:04" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="0" e_delay="0" platform="4" targetLoc="Kiel Hbf" dirnr="8000199" prod="RE72#RE" dir="Kiel Hbf" administration="800271" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:04" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B1" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903383" prod="Bus 5#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:06" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903402" prod="Bus 1550#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="ROH_FL" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Serpentine" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:06" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B2" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="3420028" prod="Bus 5#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:07" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Schleswig ZOB" dirnr="3415626" prod="Bus R150#Bus" dir="Schleswig ZOB" administration="AK____" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Tegelbarg" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:09" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B1" targetLoc="Flensburg Fr&#246;sleeweg" dirnr="706773" prod="Bus 4#Bus" dir="Flensburg Fr&#246;sleeweg" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:12" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903386" prod="Bus 14#Bus" dir="Flensburg F&#246;rde-Park" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Tegelbarg" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:14" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903386" prod="Bus 12#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Tegelbarg" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:15" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="0" e_delay="0" platform="2" targetLoc="Hamburg Hbf" dirnr="8002549" prod="RE7#RE" dir="Hamburg Hbf" administration="800201" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:15" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" targetLoc="Flensburg ZOB" dirnr="9903386" prod="Bus 12#Bus" dir="Flensburg ZOB" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof/Serpentine" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:16" fpDate="13.06.2020" delay="-" platform="B2" targetLoc="Tarup Ortsausgang" dirnr="3207041" prod="Bus 4#Bus" dir="Tarup Ortsausgang" administration="AKTIV_" depStation="Flensburg Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" />
<St evaId="90102" name="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof" />
<Journey fpTime="14:18" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="0" e_delay="1" platform="1" targetLoc="Goslar" dirnr="8000130" hafasname="RE21" prod="RE21#Zug" class="8" dir="Goslar" administration="AMRE__" depStation="Wernigerode Hbf" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:23" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="0" e_delay="0" platform="2" targetLoc="Wernigerode, Flo&#223;platz" dirnr="1392" hafasname="Bus 204" prod="Bus 204#Bus" class="64" dir="P&#246;rner-Str., Stadtfeld" administration="HVBG__" depStation="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:29" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="-" platform="4" targetLoc="Stapelburg, Teichdamm" dirnr="1422" hafasname="Bus 270" prod="Bus 270#Bus" class="64" dir="Stapelburg" administration="HVBG__" depStation="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:30" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="-" platform="4" targetLoc="Elbingerode (Harz), Markt" dirnr="1373" hafasname="Bus 274" prod="Bus 274#Bus" class="64" dir="Elbingerode" administration="HVBG__" depStation="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:35" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="-" platform="7" targetLoc="Braunlage, ZOB" dirnr="1387" hafasname="Bus 264" prod="Bus 264#Bus" class="64" dir="Braunlage" administration="HVBG__" depStation="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:40" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="0" e_delay="0" platform="1" targetLoc="Halle (Saale) Hbf" dirnr="8010159" hafasname="RE4" prod="RE4#Zug" class="8" dir="Halle (Saale) Hbf" administration="AMRE__" depStation="Wernigerode Hbf" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:45" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="-" platform="5" targetLoc="Osterwieck, Busbahnhof" dirnr="5334" hafasname="RufAST 8" prod="RufAST 8#Rufbus" class="128" dir="Osterwieck" administration="HVBG__" depStation="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" is_reachable="0" highPriorityAttr="1" />
<Journey fpTime="14:48" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="-" platform="10" targetLoc="Wernigerode, Flo&#223;platz" dirnr="1392" hafasname="Bus 201" prod="Bus 201#Bus" class="64" dir="Heidebr., Harzblick" administration="HVBG__" depStation="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:50" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="-" platform="3" targetLoc="Halberstadt, Bahnhof (Tram/Bus)" dirnr="5426" hafasname="Bus 231" prod="Bus 231#Bus" class="64" dir="Halberstadt" administration="HVBG__" depStation="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:50" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="-" platform="3" targetLoc="Thale, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" dirnr="5626" hafasname="Bus 250" prod="Bus 250#Bus" class="64" dir="Thale" administration="HVBG__" depStation="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="14:53" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="0" e_delay="0" platform="1" targetLoc="Wernigerode, Flo&#223;platz" dirnr="1392" hafasname="Bus 204" prod="Bus 204#Bus" class="64" dir="Flo&#223;platz, Hasserode" administration="HVBG__" depStation="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:03" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="0" e_delay="0" platform="10" targetLoc="Wernigerode, Flo&#223;platz" dirnr="1392" hafasname="Bus 204" prod="Bus 204#Bus" class="64" dir="Flo&#223;platz, Hasserode" administration="HVBG__" depStation="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:05" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="0" e_delay="0" platform="1" targetLoc="Wernigerode, Wendeplatz M&#252;hlental" dirnr="22515" hafasname="Bus 202" prod="Bus 202#Bus" class="64" dir="M&#252;hlental, N&#246;schenr." administration="HVBG__" depStation="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:08" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="-" platform="1" targetLoc="Wernigerode, Im Bodengarten" dirnr="1472" hafasname="Bus 203" prod="Bus 203#Bus" class="64" dir="R&#246;ntgenstr, Eisenberg" administration="HVBG__" depStation="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" is_reachable="0" />
<Journey fpTime="15:09" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="-" platform="1" targetLoc="Wernigerode, Flo&#223;platz" dirnr="1392" hafasname="Bus 201" prod="Bus 201#Bus" class="64" dir="Flo&#223;platz, Hasserode" administration="HVBG__" depStation="Wernigerode, Hauptbahnhof (Bus)" is_reachable="0" />
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<Journey fpTime="14:54" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="0" e_delay="0" platform="1" targetLoc="Osnabr&#252;ck Hbf" dirnr="8000294" hafasname="RE9" prod="RE9#RE" class="8" dir="Osnabr&#252;ck Hbf" administration="800295" is_reachable="0" >
<HIMMessage header="Corona-Pr&#228;ventionsma&#223;nahme" lead="Derzeit gilt die Mund-Nasen-Bedeckungspflicht im &#214;PNV. Danke, dass Sie sich und andere Fahrg&#228;ste sch&#252;tzen und zur Sicherheit des Bus- und Bahnfahrens beitragen!" display="2" global="1"/></Journey>
<Journey fpTime="15:03" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="0" e_delay="0" platform="2" targetLoc="Bremen Hbf" dirnr="8000050" hafasname="RE9" prod="RE9#RE" class="8" dir="Bremen Hbf" administration="800295" is_reachable="0" >
<HIMMessage header="Corona-Pr&#228;ventionsma&#223;nahme" lead="Derzeit gilt die Mund-Nasen-Bedeckungspflicht im &#214;PNV. Danke, dass Sie sich und andere Fahrg&#228;ste sch&#252;tzen und zur Sicherheit des Bus- und Bahnfahrens beitragen!" display="2" global="1"/></Journey>
<Journey fpTime="15:10" fpDate="13.06.20" delay="0" e_delay="0" targetLoc="Sulingen ZOB" dirnr="9913517" hafasname="Bus 137" prod="Bus 137#Bus" class="32" dir="Sulingen ZOB" administration="VOL___" depStation="Diepholz Bahnhof" is_reachable="0" >
<HIMMessage header="Umleitung aufgrund einer Baustelle in Varrel" lead="Wegen Bauma&#223;nahmen wird die Ortsdurchfahrt Varrel vom 16.03. bis 30.06.2020 gesperrt sein. Die Haltestellen Varrel Oberdamm, Varrel Hohe Stra&#223;e und Varrel Wessels k&#246;nnen in dieser Zeit nicht bedient werden. Als Ersatz nutzen Sie bitte die Haltestelle Varrel Schule." display="5" url=" Fpl BA ab 16.03.20 bis 30.06.20.pdf" label="Baufahrplan Linie 137" /><HIMMessage header="Corona-Pr&#228;ventionsma&#223;nahme" lead="Derzeit gilt die Mund-Nasen-Bedeckungspflicht im &#214;PNV. Danke, dass Sie sich und andere Fahrg&#228;ste sch&#252;tzen und zur Sicherheit des Bus- und Bahnfahrens beitragen!" display="2" global="1"/></Journey>
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