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GitLab Dedicated network access and security

  • Tier: Ultimate
  • Offering: GitLab Dedicated

Bring your own domain (BYOD)

You can use a custom hostname to access your GitLab Dedicated instance. You can also provide a custom hostname for the bundled container registry and Kubernetes Agent Server (KAS) services.

Let's Encrypt certificates

GitLab Dedicated integrates with Let's Encrypt, a free, automated, and open source certificate authority. When you use a custom hostname, Let's Encrypt automatically issues and renews SSL/TLS certificates for your domain.

This integration uses the http-01 challenge to obtain certificates through Let's Encrypt.

Set up DNS records

To use a custom hostname with GitLab Dedicated, you must update your domain's DNS records.


  • Access to your domain host's DNS settings.

To set up DNS records for a custom hostname with GitLab Dedicated:

  1. Sign in to your domain host's website.

  2. Go to the DNS settings.

  3. Add a CNAME record that points your custom hostname to your GitLab Dedicated tenant. For example:  CNAME
  4. Optional. If your domain has an existing CAA record, update it to include Let's Encrypt as a valid certificate authority. If your domain does not have any CAA records, you can skip this step. For example:  IN  CAA 0 issue ""  IN  CAA 0 issue ""

    In this example, the CAA record defines Google Trust Services ( and Let's Encrypt ( as certificate authorities that are allowed to issue certificates for your domain.

  5. Save your changes and wait for the DNS changes to propagate.

Add your custom hostname

To add a custom hostname to your existing GitLab Dedicated instance, submit a support ticket.

Custom certificates

Custom certificates establish trust between your GitLab Dedicated instance and certificates signed by non-public Certificate Authorities (CA). If you want to connect to a service that uses a certificate signed by a private or internal CA, you must first add that certificate to your GitLab Dedicated instance.

Add a custom certificate with Switchboard

  1. Sign in to Switchboard.
  2. At the top of the page, select Configuration.
  3. Expand Custom Certificate Authorities.
  4. Select + Add Certificate.
  5. Paste the certificate into the text box.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Scroll up to the top of the page and select whether to apply the changes immediately or during the next maintenance window.

Add a custom certificate with a Support Request

If you are unable to use Switchboard to add a custom certificate, you can open a support ticket and attach your custom public certificate files to request this change.

AWS Private Link connectivity

Inbound Private Link

AWS Private Link allows users and applications in your VPC on AWS to securely connect to the GitLab Dedicated endpoint without network traffic going over the public internet.

To enable the Inbound Private Link:

  1. Open a support ticket. In the body of your support ticket, include the IAM principals for the AWS users or roles in your AWS organization that are establishing the VPC endpoints in your AWS account. The IAM principals must be IAM role principals or IAM user principals. GitLab Dedicated uses these IAM Principals for access-control. These IAM principals are the only ones able to set up an endpoint to the service.

  2. After your IAM Principals have been allowlisted, GitLab creates the Endpoint Service and communicates the Service Endpoint Name on the support ticket. The service name is generated by AWS upon creation of the service endpoint.

    • GitLab handles the domain verification for the Private DNS name, so that DNS resolution of the tenant instance domain name in your VPC resolves to the PrivateLink endpoint.
    • The endpoint service is available in two Availability Zones. These are either the zones you chose during onboarding or two randomly selected zones if you didn't specify any.
  3. In your own AWS account, create an Endpoint Interface in your VPC, with the following settings:

    • Service Endpoint Name: use the name provided by GitLab on the support ticket.
    • Private DNS names enabled: yes.
    • Subnets: choose all matching subnets.
  4. After you create the endpoint, use the instance URL provided to you during onboarding to securely connect to your GitLab Dedicated instance from your VPC, without the traffic going over the public internet.

Outbound Private Link

Outbound private links allow your GitLab Dedicated instance and the hosted runners for GitLab Dedicated to securely communicate with services running in your VPC on AWS without exposing any traffic to the public internet.

This type of connection allows GitLab functionality to access private services:

  • For the GitLab Dedicated instance:

    • webhooks
    • import or mirror projects and repositories
  • For hosted runners:

    • custom secrets managers
    • artifacts or job images stored in your infrastructure
    • deployments into your infrastructure

Consider the following:

  • You can only establish private links between VPCs in the same region. Therefore, you can only establish a connection in the regions specified for your Dedicated instance.
  • The connection requires the Availability Zone IDs (AZ IDs) for the two Availability Zones (AZs) in the regions that you selected during onboarding.
  • If you did not specify any AZs during onboarding to Dedicated, GitLab randomly selects both AZ IDs.
  • GitLab Dedicated limits the number of outbound private link connections to 10.

Add an outbound private link with Switchboard


  • Create the endpoint service for your internal service to be available to GitLab Dedicated.
  • Configure a Network Load Balancer (NLB) for the endpoint service in the Availability Zones (AZs) where your Dedicated instance is deployed. Either:
    • Use the AZs listed in the Outbound private link configuration in Switchboard.
    • Enable the NLB in every AZ in the region.
  • Add the ARN of the role that GitLab Dedicated uses to connect to your endpoint service to the Allowed Principals list on the Endpoint Service. You can find this ARN in Switchboard under Outbound private link IAM principal. For more information, see Manage permissions.
  • Recommended. Set Acceptance required to No to enable GitLab Dedicated to connect in a single operation. If set to Yes, you must manually accept the connection after it's initiated.

If you set Acceptance required to Yes, Switchboard cannot accurately determine when the link is accepted. After you manually accept the link, the status shows as Pending instead of Active until next scheduled maintenance. After maintenance, the link status refreshes and shows as connected.

  • Once the endpoint service is created, note the Service Name and if you have enabled Private DNS or not.
  1. Sign in to Switchboard.
  2. At the top of the page, select Configuration.
  3. Expand Outbound private link.
  4. Complete the fields.
  5. To add endpoint services, select Add endpoint service. You can add up to ten endpoint services per region. At least one endpoint service is required to save the region.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Optional. To add an outbound private link for a second region, select Add outbound connection, then repeat the previous steps.

Delete an outbound private link with Switchboard

  1. Sign in to Switchboard.
  2. At the top of the page, select Configuration.
  3. Expand Outbound private link.
  4. Go to the outbound private link you want to delete, then select Delete ({remove}).
  5. Select Delete.
  6. Optional. To delete all the links in a region, from the region header, select Delete ({remove}). This also deletes the region configuration.

Add an outbound private link with a support request

  1. Create the Endpoint service through which your internal service will be available to GitLab Dedicated. Provide the associated Service Endpoint Name on a new support ticket.
  2. Make sure you have configured a Network Load Balancer (NLB) for the endpoint service in the two AZs to which your Dedicated instance was deployed. If you did not specify these during onboarding to Dedicated, you must either:
    • Submit a support ticket to request the AZ IDs required to enable the connection and ensure the NLB is enabled in those AZs.
    • Ensure the NLB is enabled in every AZ in the region.
  3. In your support ticket, GitLab will provide you with the ARN of an IAM role that will be initiating the connection to your endpoint service. You must ensure this ARN is included, or otherwise covered by other entries, in the list of "Allowed Principals" on the Endpoint Service, as described by the AWS documentation. Though it's optional, you should you add it explicitly, allowing you to set Acceptance required to No so that Dedicated can connect in a single operation. If you leave Acceptance required as Yes, then you must manually accept the connection after Dedicated has initiated it.
  4. To connect to services using the Endpoint, the Dedicated services require a DNS name. Private Link automatically creates an internal name, but it is machine-generated and not generally directly useful. There are two options available:
    • In your Endpoint Service, enable Private DNS name, perform the required validation, and let GitLab know in the support ticket that you are using this option. If Acceptance Required is set to Yes on your Endpoint Service, also note this on the support ticket because Dedicated will need to initiate the connection without Private DNS, wait for you to confirm it has been accepted, and then update the connection to enable the use of Private DNS.
    • Dedicated can manage a Private Hosted Zone (PHZ) within the Dedicated AWS Account and alias any arbitrary DNS names to the endpoint, directing requests for those names to your endpoint service. These aliases are known as PHZ entries. For more information, see Private hosted zones.

GitLab then configures the tenant instance to create the necessary Endpoint Interfaces based on the service names you provided. Any matching outbound connections made from the tenant instance are directed through the PrivateLink into your VPC.


If you have trouble establishing a connection after the Outbound Private Link has been set up, there are a few things in your AWS infrastructure that could be the cause of the problem. The specific things to check will vary based on the unexpected behavior you're seeking to fix. Things to check include:

  • Ensure that cross-zone load balancing is turned on in your Network Load Balancer (NLB).
  • Ensure that the Inbound Rules section of the appropriate Security Groups permits traffic from the correct IP ranges.
  • Ensure that the inbound traffic is mapped to the correct port on the Endpoint Service.
  • In Switchboard, expand Outbound private link and confirm that the details appear as you expect.
  • Ensure that you have allowed requests to the local network from webhooks and integrations.

Private hosted zones

A private hosted zone (PHZ) creates custom DNS aliases (CNAMEs) that resolve in your GitLab Dedicated instance's network.

Use a PHZ when you want to:

  • Create multiple DNS names or aliases that use a single endpoint, such as when running a reverse proxy to connect to multiple services.
  • Use a private domain that cannot be validated by public DNS.

PHZs are commonly used with reverse PrivateLink to create readable domain names instead of using AWS-generated endpoint names. For example, you can use instead of

In some cases, you can also use PHZs to create aliases that resolve to publicly accessible DNS names. For example, you can create an internal DNS name that resolves to a public endpoint when you need internal systems to access a service through its private name.

PHZ domain structure

When using your GitLab Dedicated instance's domain as part of an alias, you must include two subdomains before the main domain, where:

  • The first subdomain becomes the name of the PHZ.
  • The second subdomain becomes the record entry for the alias.

For example:

  • Valid PHZ entry: subdomain2.subdomain1.<your-tenant-id>
  • Invalid PHZ entry: subdomain1.<your-tenant-id>

When not using your GitLab Dedicated instance domain, you must still provide:

  • A Private Hosted Zone (PHZ) name
  • A PHZ entry in the format

To prevent shadowing of public DNS domains when the domain is created inside the Dedicated tenant, use at least two additional subdomain levels below any public domain for your PHZ entries. For example, if your tenant is hosted at, your PHZ entry should be at least, or if you own then at least, where subdomain2 is not a public domain.

Add a private hosted zone with Switchboard

To add a private hosted zone:

  1. Sign in to Switchboard.
  2. At the top of the page, select Configuration.
  3. Expand Private hosted zones.
  4. Select Add private hosted zone entry.
  5. Complete the fields.
    • In the Hostname field, enter your Private Hosted Zone (PHZ) entry.
    • For Link type, choose one of the following:
      • For an outbound private link PHZ entry, select the endpoint service from the dropdown list. Only links with the Available or Pending Acceptance status are shown.
      • For other PHZ entries, provide a list of DNS aliases.
  6. Select Save. Your PHZ entry and any aliases should appear in the list.
  7. Scroll to the top of the page, and select whether to apply the changes immediately or during the next maintenance window.

Add a private hosted zone with a support request

If you are unable to use Switchboard to add a private hosted zone, you can open a support ticket and provide a list of DNS names that should resolve to the endpoint service for the outbound private link. The list can be updated as needed.

IP allowlist

GitLab Dedicated allows you to control which IP addresses can access your instance through an IP allowlist. Once the IP allowlist has been enabled, when an IP not on the allowlist tries to access your instance an HTTP 403 Forbidden response is returned.

IP addresses that have been added to your IP allowlist can be viewed on the Configuration page in Switchboard. You can add or remove IP addresses from your allowlist with Switchboard.

Add an IP to the allowlist with Switchboard

  1. Sign in to Switchboard.
  2. At the top of the page, select Configuration.
  3. Expand Allowed Source List Config / IP allowlist.
  4. Turn on the Enable toggle.
  5. Select Add Item.
  6. Enter the IPv4 Address and Description. To add another IPv4 address, repeat steps 5 and 6. IPv6 addresses are not supported.
  7. Select Save.
  8. Scroll up to the top of the page and select whether to apply the changes immediately or during the next maintenance window. After the changes are applied, the IP addresses are added to the IP allowlist for your instance.

Add an IP to the allowlist with a Support Request

If you are unable to use Switchboard to update your IP allowlist, you can open a support ticket and specify a comma separated list of IP addresses that can access your GitLab Dedicated instance.

Enable OpenID Connect for your IP allowlist

Using GitLab as an OpenID Connect identity provider requires internet access to the OpenID Connect verification endpoint.

To enable access to the OpenID Connect endpoint while maintaining your IP allowlist:

  • In a support ticket, request to allow access to the OpenID Connect endpoint.

The configuration is applied during the next maintenance window.

Enable SCIM provisioning for your IP allowlist

You can use SCIM with external identity providers to automatically provision and manage users. To use SCIM, your identity provider must be able to access the instance SCIM API endpoints. By default, IP allowlisting blocks communication to these endpoints.

To enable SCIM while maintaining your IP allowlist:

  • In a support ticket, request to enable SCIM endpoints to the internet.

The configuration is applied during the next maintenance window.