Tom Gilbert (gilbrit, giblet, grubby) <gilbertt (at)>
Paul Duncan (pabs) - pabs (at) pablotron (dot) org
- cam, wget fixups, mouse-button swapping options, rotation,
xinerama support, menu backgrounds, and more.
Richard Lowe (richlowe) - richlowe (at) btinternet (dot) com
- background setting code, thumbnail patches.
Benjamin Elijah Griffin bgriffin (at) cddb (dot) com
Mrinal Kalakrishnan - mrinal (at) india (dot) com
Phil Morris (marmot) - marmot (at) vennercs (dot) com
Carlos Puchol - cpg (at) puchol (dot) com
- fix for nonstandard imlib2 locations.
Eric Dorland - dorland (at) lords (dot) com
Omar Harriott - omar.harriott (at) csun (dot) edu
- fix filelist handling for filenames with spaces.
Panagiotis Issaris - takis.issaris (at) skynet (dot) be
Jon Bernard - jbernard (at) roanoke (dot) edu
Maciej Kalisiak - mac (at) dgp (dot) toronto (dot) edu
Claes Nasten - pekdon (at) pekdon (dot) net
JC - jcm314 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Ulrich Spoerlein - q (at) uni (dot) de
- fullscreen image count display
Birte Kristina Friesel
Yu-Jie Lin
- Various patches
Dennis Real
- patch for builtin exif support (exif=1)
Daniel Friesel - derf (at) finalrewind (dot) org
Michael Jennings - mej (at) eterm (dot) org
Alistair Sutton - metallica (at) freenet (dot) co (dot) uk
Laurence J. Lane - ljlane (at) debian (dot) org
The Rasterman - raster (at) rasterman (dot) com
- Imlib2, initial zooming code example. Enlightenment.
Stephen Levine
- Great help debugging under E17