Dieser Vortrag findet auf Englisch statt.
This is a hybrid event. This means: If possible please participate remotely, if you have to attend in person for whatever reason don’t forget to bring a certificate of vaccination and a mask and take a rapid test.

Can you understand this? What is it? Gibberish. Some kind of a cryptic code, message…? What does it mean? How can it hide a message …? How do we break it? Wait, who used this, again? … and why?
On 2022-01-22 (Saturday), we meet at 16:00 to learn about the Enigma machine, a 20-century electro-mechanical encryption device heavily used during the World War II by the German military to transmit secret messages and encrypt their communication.
We’ll learn how the Enigma worked, was used and later broken by foreign intelligence services. We’ll mention spy games, military campaigns, encrypted traffic and even encrypt and decrypt our own messages! No preexisting knowledge required. Everyone’s invited. Entry is free. 🙂
How do I attend?
If it’s possible for you, please participate remotely. You’ll find a link to the Jitsi and a short explanation of how to use it in the wiki. You may want to put your name in the list of participants.
If you really want to attend in person, please make sure you’ve put yourself in the list of participants and don’t forget that the 2G rule applies.
Where and when do I have to appear?
2022-01-22, 16:00. Either online or on location (2G!).